
Genetski dejavniki debelosti: Analiza izražanja gena Pla2g4e in diferencialno izraženih izooblik mRNA kandidatnih genov v hipotalamusu miši
ID Urh, Tina (Author), ID Horvat, Simon (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Na debelost, ki je eden izmed glavnih dejavnikov tveganja za razvoj številnih bolezni sodobnega sveta, poleg življenjskega sloga in okolja močno vpliva tudi genetska predispozicija. Ker je najpogostejša oblika debelosti poligenska in kompleksna, smo postopke diplomske naloge izvajali na edinstveni debeli (FLI) in vitki (FHI) liniji miši. Pri samcih teh linij so v predhodni študiji dokazali povezavo med debelostjo in povišanim izražanjem gena Pla2g4e, ki kodira encim iz naddružine fosfolipaz A2. V prvem delu diplomske naloge smo želeli potrditi povišano izražanje gena tudi pri samicah debele linije. Iz hipotalamusa smo izolirali RNA, jo po preverjanju čistosti in kakovosti obratno prepisali ter izvedli reakcijo RT-qPCR. Kot normalizacijska kontrolna gena smo uporabili gena Ppia in B2M. Izražanje Pla2g4e med linijama smo analizirali po metodi primerjave pražnih ciklov (2$^{-ΔΔCt}$), kjer smo rezultat izrazili kot večkratnik izražanja gena pri debeli glede na vitko linijo. Dokazali smo, da se gen v hipotalamusu samic pri debeli liniji izraža bolj kot v vitki in da je razlika v izražanju statistično značilna. V drugi predhodni presejalni študiji so pri nekaterih genih, izraženih v hipotalamusu istega modela miši, odkrili več poliadenilacijskih mest, ki lahko vodijo do nastanka različno lokaliziranih in stabilnih izooblik mRNA ter do različno funkcionalnih končnih proteinov. Za naš poskus smo izbrali gene Copg1, Pcna in Stx3. Poskušali smo potrditi obstoj njihove dolge in kratke izooblike ter analizirati morebitno diferencialno izražanje pri samicah obeh linij. Ker kratke izooblike, katere začetni oligonukleotidi zaznajo tudi dolgo, ni mogoče validirati s standardnim qPCR, smo izražanje izooblik zaznavali z bolj specifično metodo TaqMan qPCR. Potrdili smo diferencialno izražanje dolge izooblike Pcna, ki se povišano izraža v debeli liniji, ter diferencialno izražanje kratke izooblike Copg1, čeprav se ta glede na naše rezultate le rahlo povišano izraža v vitki liniji miši. Prav tako smo potrdili diferencialno izražanje obeh izooblik Stx3, pri čemer se dolga izooblika povišano izraža v vitki liniji, v debeli liniji pa kratka. Naši rezultati potrjujejo, da je Pla2g4e pomemben genetski dejavnik in posledično tudi potencialna terapevtska tarča za zdravljenje debelosti. Tudi identifikacija diferencialno izraženih izooblik mRNA med debelo in vitko linijo nakazuje potencialno uporabo v terapevtske namene. Z usmerjanjem na specifične izooblike za povečanje ali zmanjšanje njihovega izražanja bi bilo mogoče spreminjati vzorce izražanja tistih izooblik, ki so odgovorne za razvoj debelosti.

Keywords:debelost, cPLA2ε, Pla2g4e, RT-qPCR, alternativna poliadenilacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159310 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:203495683 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Genetic factors of obesity: Analysis of Pla2g4e gene expression and differentially expressed mRNA isoforms of candidate genes in murine hypothalamus
The occurrence of obesity, which stands as one of the main risk factors for the development of numerous diseases in the modern world, is significantly influenced not only by lifestyle and environment but also by genetic predisposition. As the most common form of obesity is polygenic and complex, our procedures were carried out on unique obese (FLI) and lean (FHI) mouse lines. In males of these lines, a previous study has shown an association between obesity and increased expression of the Pla2g4e gene, which encodes an enzyme of the phospholipase A2 superfamily. In the first part of the thesis, we wanted to confirm the increased gene expression in females of the obese line. We isolated RNA from the hypothalamus, checked its purity and quality, reverse transcribed it and performed RT-qPCR. We used Ppia and B2M as normalisation control genes. We analysed Pla2g4e expression by the threshold cycle comparison method (2$^{-ΔΔCt}$) and expressed the result as a multiple of gene expression of the obese versus the lean line. We have shown that the gene is upregulated in hypothalamus of females in the obese line compared to the lean line and that the difference in expression is statistically significant. In another preliminary screening study, several polyadenylation sites were found in some genes expressed in the hypothalamus of the same model mice, that can lead to the formation of differently localised and stable mRNA isoforms and differently functional proteins. For the confirmation of the existence of their long and short isoforms and analysis of their eventual differential expression in female mice of both lines, we selected the Copg1, Pcna and Stx3 genes. Since the short isoform, whose primers also detect the long isoform, cannot be validated by qPCR, we detected the expression of the isoforms by the more specific TaqMan qPCR method. We confirmed the differential expression of the long Pcna isoform, which is upregulated in the obese line, and differential expression of the short Copg1 isoform, although it is only mildly upregulated in the lean line. We also confirmed differential expression of both Stx3 isoforms, with the long isoform being upregulated in the lean line and the short isoform being downregulated in the obese line. Our results confirm that Pla2g4e is an important genetic factor and therefore a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of obesity. The identification of differentially expressed mRNA isoforms between the obese and lean lines also suggests a potential therapeutic application. By targeting specific isoforms to increase or decrease their expression, it might be possible to modify the expression patterns of the isoforms responsible for the development of obesity.

Keywords:obesity, cPLA2ε, Pla2g4e, RT-qPCR, alternative polyadenylation

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