
Vpliv nečistoč na učinkovitost ploščnega prenosnika toplote
ID Berce, Jure (Author), ID Golobič, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Zupančič, Matevž (Comentor)

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V doktorskem delu obravnavamo vpliv odlaganja nečistoč na karakteristike ploščnega prenosnika toplote pri enofazni konvekciji in na dvofazni prenos toplote pri mehurčkastem vrenju na strukturiranih površinah ter napoved uporabne življenjske dobe na podlagi poslabšanja učinkovitosti prenosa toplote. V ta namen predstavljamo eksperimentalne meritve kristalizacije soli v ploščnem prenosniku toplote, prvič sklopljene z infrardečo termografijo za analizo krajevnih in časovnih sprememb prenosa toplote. V različnih režimih obratovanja prikažemo lokalno spreminjanje temperaturnega polja kanala hladne vode in identificiramo območja, kjer se formira največja obloga nečistoč. Nadalje kažemo razvoj strukturiranih površin, ki promovirajo mehurčkasto vrenje in zavirajo odlaganje nečistoč. Slednje ovrednotimo tekom dolgotrajnega vrenja v čistem in nečistem mediju, pri čemer popišemo mehanizme degradacije in spremembe površinske kemije, topografije in omočljivosti. V obeh medijih na razvitih površinah demonstriramo do desetkrat počasnejše poslabšanje učinkovitosti prenosa toplote pri vrenju in do 112 % višje koeficiente toplotne prestopnosti napram neobdelani površini tudi po več kot 400 urah intenzivnega vrenja. Nazadnje predstavljamo razvoj adaptivnega algoritma za napoved uporabne življenjske dobe, katerega široko uporabnost verificiramo na eksperimentalnih podatkih poslabšanja učinkovitosti prenosa toplote ploščnega prenosnika toplote in različnih vrelnih površin.

Keywords:ploščni prenosnik toplote, odlaganje nečistoč, učinkovitost prenosa toplote, mehurčkasto vrenje, strukturiranje površin, uporabna življenjska doba
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Berce]
Number of pages:XXVIII, 157 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159286 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:203130883 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of fouling on plate heat exchanger effectiveness
In this work, we focus on the influence of fouling on characteristics of a plate heat exchanger in single-phase convection and on nucleate boiling heat transfer on structured surfaces, as well as on remaining useful life prediction based on degradation of heat transfer effectiveness. For this purpose, we present experimental measurements of salt crystallization in a plate heat exchanger, coupled for the first time with infrared thermography to analyse spatiotemporal changes of heat transfer. In different operating regimes, we show local changes of the cold-water temperature field and identify the areas where the largest fouling deposit is formed. Afterwards, we demonstrate the development of structured surfaces that promote nucleate boiling heat transfer and inhibit fouling deposition. Surfaces are evaluated during long-term boiling in a clean and fouled fluid, where the degradation mechanisms and changes in surface chemistry, topography and wettability are analysed. In both fluids, we demonstrate up to ten times slower degradation of heat transfer effectiveness compared to the untreated surface and up to 112 % higher heat transfer coefficients, even after more than 400 hours of intense boiling. Finally, we present the development of an adaptive algorithm for remaining useful life prediction, the broad applicability of which is verified on experimental data of heat transfer degradation of a plate heat exchanger and of various boiling surfaces.

Keywords:plate heat exchanger, fouling, heat transfer effectiveness, nucleate boiling, surface structuring, remaining useful life

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