
Izidi migracij : med potencialom posameznika in omejenostjo socialnega sveta
ID Šmid, Nina (Author), ID Razpotnik, Špela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V pričujočem magistrskem delu sem raziskala nekatera vprašanja nedavnih družbenih sprememb, ki predstavljajo vpogled v zagotavljanje blaginje prikrajšani družbeni skupini, migrantom. V zadnjih letih se kljub povečanemu številu priseljencev po vsem svetu, zlasti beguncev, še vedno premalo pozornosti namenja reševanju njihovega položaja. Medtem ko različni mednarodni in nacionalni instrumenti uveljavljajo deklarativne pravice, priseljenci pogosto zapadejo v (prazen) prostor med sistemsko ne-varnostjo in programe humanitarne pomoči. Študije v Evropi poročajo o nizkem blagostanju priseljencev, ki je pogosto ocenjeno z njihovim položajem v družbeni strukturi, mestoma tudi kot posledica diskriminacije v sprejemnih družbah. Sama v magistrskem delu dajem glas priseljencem, ko raziskujem njihovo doživljanje migracije in dejavnike, ki so najbolj povezani z njihovim blagostanjem. V teoretičnem delu najprej osvetlim vidike migracij, ki od humanitarnega vprašanja kmalu po pojavu neizogibno preidejo v družbeno polje kriminalnosti. Nato opišem proces integracije in koncept interakcije, ki ustvarjata pogoje za izide migracij. Temelj prizadevanj za pozitivnejše izide migrantov morajo biti človekove pravice in borbeno socialnopedagoško delo. V empiričnem delu predstavljam ugotovitve kvalitativne raziskave. Polstrukturirani intervjuji s šestimi priseljenci so razkrili izzive v zvezi z zaposlovanjem, s socialnimi mrežami ter podpornimi storitvami kot ključnimi dejavniki pozitivnejših izidov za priseljence. Priseljenci potrebujejo posebno pozornost, saj so zaradi družbenih pogojev in nepoznavanja okolja posebej ranljivi, a po drugi strani zelo vztrajni in motivirani se znova postaviti na noge. Ozaveščenost o teh vprašanjih nam bo omogočila, da skupaj ustvarimo polje pravičnega bivanja in delovanja ter si s pomočjo perspektive priseljencev obogatimo lastne perspektive.

Keywords:Izseljevanje in priseljevanje, Družbena integracija, Priseljenci, migranti, integracija, perspektiva priseljencev, participacija, pravice migrantov, blagostanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:N. Šmid
Number of pages:83 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159280 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:200984067 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Migration outcomes : between the potential of the Individual and the social world constraints
In this master's thesis, I explored certain issues related to recent social changes that provide insight into ensuring the well-being of a disadvantaged social group, migrants. In recent years, despite the increasing number of immigrants worldwide, especially refugees, insufficient attention has been paid to addressing their situation. While various international and national instruments assert declarative rights, immigrants often fall into a (void) space between systemic insecurity and humanitarian aid programs. Studies in Europe report low well-being among immigrants, often assessed by their position within the social structure, and sometimes as a result of discrimination in host societies. In my thesis, I give voice to immigrants by examining their migration experiences and the factors most associated with their well-being. In the theoretical part, first I highlight aspects of migration that soon after their emergence inevitably turn from a humanitarian issue to a social field of criminality. Then, I describe the process of integration and the concept of interaction, which create the conditions for migration outcomes. Efforts for more positive outcomes for migrants must be based on human rights and proactive social pedagogical work. In the empirical part, I present the findings of qualitative research. Semi-structured interviews with six immigrants revealed challenges related to employment, social networks, and support services as key factors for more positive outcomes for immigrants. Immigrants need special attention as they are particularly vulnerable due to social conditions and unfamiliarity with the environment, yet on the other hand, they are very persistent and motivated to get back on their feet. Awareness of these issues will enable us to create a field of fair common living and working and enrich our own perspectives through the perspective of immigrants.

Keywords:migrants, integration, immigrant perspective, participation, rights of migrants, well-being

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