
Zavzetost zaposlenih in prezentizem v enotah intenzivne terapije : magistrsko delo
ID Muršec, Aljaž (Author), ID Boštjančič, Eva (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Prezentizem pridobiva vse ve jo pozornost v delovnem okolju in je najpogosteje opredeljen kot prihod na delovno mesto kljub zdravstvenim te~avam. Zdravstvena nega spada med poklice, pri katerih je prezentizem mo no razbirjen, s tem pa se lahko zmanjba varnost pacientov. Zavzetost zaposlenih je eden izmed klju nih dejavnikov za uspebnost organizacije. Bolj zavzeti izvajalci zdravstvene nege imajo vibjo stopnjo uje nosti in hitreje ter u inkoviteje prepoznavajo morebitne dejavnike, ki ogro~ajo paciente. Namen magistrskega dela je bil s pomo jo anketnega vprabalnika ugotoviti stopnjo prezentizma in zavzetosti izvajalcev zdravstvene nege v treh enotah intenzivne terapije Univerzitetnega klini nega centra Ljubljana in pridobiti mnenja ter predloge za izboljbave na tem področju. Z anketnima vprabalnikoma smo merili prezentizem (Stanfordska lestvica prezentizma) in zavzetost zaposlenih (Q12 lestvica po Gallupu). Rezultati ka~ejo, da je med izvajalci zdravstvene nege prisotna visoka stopnja prezentizma in da je dele~ zavzetih zaposlenih vibji od povpre ja v Sloveniji. Spoznanja preteklih btudij smo primerjali z nabimi rezultati in ugotovili, da je prezentizem pogosto prisoten med izvajalci zdravstvene nege. Magistrsko delo prinaba nova spoznanja za birbe zdravstveno okolje in institucije. Raziskava zagotavlja dragocen vpogled v trenutno stanje prisotnosti prezentizma med izvajalci zdravstvene nege in njihovo stopnjo zavzetosti. Rezultati ankete lahko slu~ijo kot merilo za spremljanje napredka skozi as in ocenjevanje u inkovitosti intervencij, povezanih s prezentizmom in zavzetostjo. Magistrsko delo kljub nekaterim omejitvam odpira mo~nosti za nadaljnje raziskovanje na tem podro ju, predvsem na ve jem btevilu zdravstvenih delavcev in bolnibnic v Sloveniji.

Keywords:prezentizem, zavzetost zaposlenih, Stanfordska lestvica prezentizma, enote intenzivne terapije, izvajalci zdravstvene nege
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Muršec]
Number of pages:XI, 101 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159260 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:200910595 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Employee engagement and presenteeism in intensive therapy units
Presenteeism is gaining more and more attention in the work environment and is usually defined as showing up at work despite health problems. Nursing is one of the professions where presenteeism is widespread, which can affect patient safety. Employee engagement is one of the key factors in the success of an organization. Engaged nurses have a higher level of mindfulness and are able to recognize potential risk factors for patients more quickly and efficiently. The aim of the master's thesis was to determine the level of presenteeism and commitment of nurses in three intensive care units at the University Medical Center Ljubljana and to obtain opinions and suggestions for improvement in this area using a questionnaire. Presenteeism (Stanford Presenteeism Scale) and employee engagement (Q12 according to Gallup) were measured using two questionnaires. The results show that presenteeism among nurses is high and that the proportion of engaged employees is higher than the average in Slovenia. We compared the results of previous studies with our results and concluded that presenteeism is common among nurses. The master's thesis has many benefits for the wider community and healthcare institutions. The research provides valuable insights into the current state of presenteeism among nurses and their engagement. The survey results can be used as a benchmark for monitoring progress over time and for evaluating the effectiveness of interventions related to presenteeism and engagement. Despite some limitations, the master's thesis opens up possibilities for further research in this field, especially among a larger number of healthcare workers and hospitals in Slovenia.

Keywords:presenteeism, employee engagement, Stanford Presenteeism Scale, intensive care units, nursing care

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