
Družine s številnimi izzivi – z glasovi družin do ustrezne podpore in pomoči s strani centra za socialno delo
ID Lajh, Eva (Author), ID Mešl, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Skozi študij in opravljanje prakse, sem se večkrat srečala z družinami, ki se v svojem življenju srečujejo s številnimi izzivi in so vključeni v storitev na centru za socialno delo, pomoč družini za dom. V okviru moje magistrske naloge, me je zanimalo predvsem, kako se pri pomoči družinam s številnimi izzivi, s strani centra za socialno upošteva glas družin pri načrtovanju ustrezne podpore in pomoči. V teoretičnem delu, sem na začetku opredelila življenjski svet družin s številnimi izzivi, besedo pa sem namenila tudi ustreznosti poimenovanja družin s številnimi izzivi. Nato sem predstavila procese podpore in pomoči, ki so družinam s številnimi izzivi namenjene in sodelovalne pristope dela z družinami s številnimi izzivi. Osredotočila sem se tudi na izzive, ki se pojavljajo pri socialnem delu z družinami s številnimi izzivi, tako pri družinah kot tudi pri socialnih delavkah. Nekaj besed sem namenila tudi delovanju in organizaciji centra za delo, podpori, ki jo družine s številnimi izzivi prejemajo s strani ostalih organizacij in vključevanju laičnih izvajalk pomoči. Na koncu teoretičnega dela pa sem na kratko predstavila še inovacije in mikroinovacije v socialnem delu ter projekt LINK. Za namen magistrske naloge sem izvedla raziskavo, kjer sem opravila pogovore z bivšimi uporabnicami storitve centra za socialno delo, pomoč družini za dom. Z vsako uporabnico sem imela dve srečanji. Na prvem srečanju sem uporabnici na kratko predstavila namen raziskave ter ji zastavila vprašanja, na drugem srečanju pa sem uporabnici predstavila njene odgovore s prvega srečanja, jo povabila, da jih lahko dopolni, spremni. Zastavila sem še tudi nekaj dodatnih vprašanj za poglobitev razumevanja s prvega intervjuja. Skozi raziskavo sem dobila vpogled v to, kako so bile uporabnice zadovoljne s pomočjo, ki so jo prejele s strani centra za socialno 2 delo oziroma s strani ostalih strokovnih delavk, s katerimi so sodelovale v procesu podpore in pomoči. Uporabnicam je bilo v procesih podpore in pomoči pomembno, da je bil s strani socialnih delavk slišan in upoštevan njihov glas, obenem pa sem spoznala, da so uporabnice lažje izrazile svoje mnenje, želje in predloge v sodelovanju, ko so bile s sodelovanjem s socialno delavko zadovoljne. V raziskavi so uporabnice poročale o tem, da so na centru za socialno delo večinoma sodelovale le z eno strokovno delavko, ki jim je pomoč nudila na več področjih, tudi na tistih, kjer ne opravlja dela, so pa uporabnice izven centra za socialno delo sodelovale z najrazličnejšimi organizacijami (z društvom Ars Vitae, s šolo, z vrtcem, z zdravstvenimi domovi itd.). Uporabnicam je pri sodelovanju bilo v veliko pomoč to, da jim je bila socialna delavka vedno na voljo, da jih je v procesu sodelovanja poslušala, je delovala umirjeno, bila do uporabnic prijazna in razumevajoča. Ravno tako pa je bilo uporabnicam pomembno, da so se v odnosu s socialno delavko počutile dovolj varno, da so delile tudi svoje želje, mnenje in pričakovanja. Nekaterim uporabnicam niso bili v podporo v procesu sodelovanja obiski na domu, saj so imele občutek, da jih socialne delavke preveč nadzirajo, ravno tako pa so uporabnice poročale o tem, da jim v sodelovanju ni bilo všeč, da je socialna delavka otroke silila na stike v okolje, kjer se po mnenju uporabnic otroci niso počutili najbolj varno ter da o sodelovanju otrok s socialnimi delavkami, uporabnice niso bile obveščene.

Keywords:Družine s številnimi izzivi, socialno delo, sodelovalni pristopi dela, delovanje centra za socialno delo, inovacije v socialnem delu, LINK, glas družin
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159253 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Families facing multiple challanges - using families' voices to get the appropriate support and help from the Social Work Centre
During my studies and practice, I have met many times with families who face multiple challanges in their lives and are involved in the service at the centre for social work, family assistance for the home. As part of my master's thesis, I was mainly interested in how, when helping families with many challenges, the centre for social work takes into account the voice of families when planning appropriate support and assistance. In the theoretical part, I initially defined the life world of families with multiple challanges, and I also addressed the appropriateness of naming families with multiple challanges. Then I presented the processes of support and assistance intended for families with multiple challanges and collaborative approaches of working with families with these challenges. I also focused on the challenges that arise in social work with families with multiple challanges, both for families and for social workers. I also dedicated a few words to the operation and organization of the centre for social work, the support that families with multiple challanges receive from other organizations and the involvement of lay aid providers. At the end of the theoretical part, I briefly presented innovations and micro-innovations in social work and the LINK project. For the purpose of my master's thesis, I conducted research where I carried out conversations with former users of the centre for social work services, family assistance for the home. I had two meetings with each user. At the first meeting, I briefly presented the purpose of the research to the user and asked her questions, and at the second meeting, I presented the user with her answers from the first meeting, and invited her to complete and change them. I also asked a few additional questions to deepen my understanding from the first interview. Through the research, I gained an insight into how the users were satisfied with the help they received from the centre for social work, or from the other professional workers with whom they collaborated in the process of support and assistance. In the processes of support and assistance, it was important for the users that their voice was heard and taken into account by the social workers, and at the same time, I realized that the users expressed their opinions, wishes and suggestions more easily when they were satisfied with cooperating with the social worker. In the research, the users 4 reported that they mostly worked with only one professional worker at the centre for social work, who provided them with help in several areas, even in those where she does not work, while the users outside the centre for social work worked together with various organizations (with the Ars Vitae Society, schools, kindergartens, medical centers, etc.). The fact that the social worker was always available to them, that she listened to them during the cooperation process, that she acted calmly, was friendly and understanding towards the users, was of great help to the users in their cooperation. It was also important for the users to feel safe enough in their relationship with the social worker to share their wishes, opinions and expectations. For some users, home visits were not helpful in the process of cooperation, as they had the feeling that the social workers were controlling them too much, and the users also reported that they did not like the fact that the social worker forced the children to have contacts in the environment where, in her opinion, the children did not feel the safest, and that the users were not informed about the children's cooperation with social workers.

Keywords:Families with multiple challanges, social work, collaborative work approaches, operation of the centre for social work, innovations in social work, LINK project, taking into account the voice of families.

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