Auction of valuable wood assortments in Slovenj Gradec is becoming more and more recognizable from year to year. Every year there is more buyers and sellers. Wood on auctions has every year higher prices. On discussed auction generally leave trees are selling much better than coniferous trees. Currentlyhas the highest price mountain maple, second is walnut. All other three species has significantly lower prices. In year 2009 they have in auction in Slovenj Gradec taken sample of round 10% of all assortments. On this sample they have made analysis. In sample were taken all tree species and all classes. Assortments were before sorted by organizers. From analyze of mistakes in assortments, which were included in sample, they can say, that from all mistakes in leave trees the most decisive are knots and mistakes of hearts. Mistakes at coniferous trees are rarer. Often arises, that at auctionsthere is also important subjective rating for each assortment, buyers are showing us different interests. This also adequate in there offers.