
Priprava in karakterizacija liposomskih mešanic iz sojinega lecitina z dodatkom vitamina D3
ID Peternel, Neža (Author), ID Kogej, Ksenija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Liposomi so majhni lipidni vezikli, zgrajeni iz fosfolipidnega dvosloja. Zaradi amfifilne narave fosfolipidnih molekul se v njih lahko vgradijo tako hidrofilne kot hidrofobne snovi. Glavne prednosti pri rabi in razvoju novih liposomskih formulacij predstavljajo ciljno usmerjena dostava, biokompatibilnost in kontrolirano sproščanje učinkovin ter zaščita pred razgradnjo. Način priprave liposomov ter interakcije med fosfolipidi in vgrajenimi učinkovinami vplivajo na lastnosti liposomskih mešanic. V tem diplomskem delu smo na preprost način brez uporabe škodljivih organskih topil pripravili mešanice iz sojinega lecitina, vode, glicerola in olja iz chia semen, v katerem smo raztopili vitamin D3. S pomočjo svetlobne mikroskopije, metode dinamičnega sipanja svetlobe, interferometrične svetlobne mikroskopije in ultravijolične spektroskopije smo preučevali lastnosti liposomskih mešanic in spremljali njihove spremembe skozi dvomesečno obdobje. S svetlobnim mikroskopom smo dokazali, da se v vseh pripravljenih mešanicah izoblikujejo liposomi. Velikost in koncentracija delcev ter homogenost vzorca so bili odvisni od zaporedja dodanih sestavin v liposomsko mešanico, karakteristike pa so se s časom spreminjale. Opazili smo razlike v stopnji oksidacije maščobnih kislin, ki smo jo spremljali z merjenjem absorbance svetlobe z valovno dolžino 233 nm. V mešanici, kjer je bil vitamin D3 z oljem iz chia semen dodan na začetku priprave, sta se velikost delcev in indeks polidisperznosti skozi čas zmanjšala, stopnja oksidacije pa je ostala primerljiva z osnovno mešanico. Nasprotno se je v mešanici, kjer je bil vitamin D3 z oljem iz chia semen dodan naknadno, stopnja oksidacije močno povečala po osmih tednih od priprave, medtem ko so drugi parametri skozi celotno obdobje merjenja ostali razmeroma konstantni. Po osmih tednih sta oba vzorca, ki jima je bil dodan vitamin D3 z oljem iz chia semen, vsebovala vezikle, ki so bili manjših velikosti v primerjavi z osnovno mešanico iz lecitina, vode in glicerola. Nadaljnje raziskave na tem področju bi lahko poglobile razumevanje vpliva sprememb lastnosti liposomskih formulacij na biološko razpoložljivost vgrajenih snovi (npr. vitamina D3) in njihovo terapevtsko učinkovitost.

Keywords:liposomi, sojin lecitin, vitamin D3, olje iz chia semen, karakterizacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159164 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:201524739 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Preparation and characterization of liposomal mixtures from soy lecithin with the addition of vitamin D3
Liposomes are small lipid vesicles constructed from a phospholipid bilayer. Due to the amphiphilic nature of phospholipid molecules, they can incorporate both hydrophilic and hydrophobic substances. Targeted delivery, biocompatibility, controlled release of active ingredients, and protection against degradation represent the main advantages for the use and development of novel liposomal formulations. The method of liposome preparation and interactions between phospholipids and incorporated substances both influence the properties of liposome mixtures. In this thesis, we prepared mixtures of soy lecithin, water, glycerol, and chia seed oil with dissolved vitamin D3 in a simple way without the use of harmful organic solvents. We characterized the liposomal mixtures using light microscopy, dynamic light scattering, interferometric light microscopy, and ultraviolet spectroscopy, and monitored changes over a two-month period. We demonstrated the formation of liposomes in all prepared mixtures using light microscopy. Particle size and concentration, as well as sample homogeneity, depended on the sequence of added ingredients in the liposome mixture, and the characteristics changed over time. Differences were observed in the degree of fatty acid oxidation, which we monitored by measuring the absorbance of light at 233 nm. In the mixture where vitamin D3 dissolved in chia seed oil was added at the beginning of preparation, particle size and polydispersity index decreased over time, while the degree of oxidation remained comparable to the basic mixture. Conversely, in the mixture where vitamin D3 dissolved in chia seed oil was added subsequently, the degree of oxidation increased significantly after eight weeks, while other parameters remained relatively constant throughout the measurement period. After eight weeks, both samples with vitamin D3 dissolved in chia seed oil contained vesicles that were smaller in size compared to the basic mixture of lecithin, water, and glycerol. Further research in this field could deepen our understanding of how changes in the properties of liposomal formulations affect biological availability of incorporated compounds (e.g. vitamin D3) and their therapeutic efficacy.

Keywords:liposomes, soy lecithin, vitamin D3, chia seed oil, characterization

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