
Razvoj grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika za podporo pilotom pri pripravi na let : diplomsko delo
ID Dolenc, Žak (Author), ID Smrdel, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Varnost je v aviaciji ključnega pomena. Dobra in učinkovita priprava pilota lahko pripomore k večji stopnji varnosti v zraku. Namen diplomskega dela je bil ustvariti grafični uporabniški vmesnik, ki bi olajšal delo pilotom generalne aviacije pri pripravi na let. Začetek procesa razvoja je vključeval temeljit pregled literature o generalni aviaciji in zakonodajnega ozadja. S pomočjo kvantitativnih metod je bil pridobljen vpogled v uporabo tehnologije v generalni aviaciji ter analizirane funkcionalnosti najbolj uporabljanih letalskih aplikacij in preference pilotov v zvezi z grafičnimi uporabniškimi vmesniki. Nadalje so bile identificirane zahteve ter pripravljen načrt aplikacije in razvoja. Na podlagi tega so bile izbrane primerne tehnologije za razvoj in z izbranimi tehnologijami tudi implementiran vmesnik. Razviti vmesnik zagotavlja funkcionalnosti, za katere je bilo v procesu zbiranja zahtev ugotovljeno, da bi uporabnikom prišle najbolj prav. S tem se je prispevalo k hitrejši in učinkovitejši pripravi na let, posledično pa se je povečala stopnja varnosti v letalstvu. Kljub temu da vmesnik še ima potencial za nadaljnje izboljšave, so bila s tem projektom odprta vrata za nadaljnji razvoj in izboljšanje varnosti ter učinkovitosti v generalni aviaciji. Cilj ni bil le ustvariti funkcionalen vmesnik, ampak tudi vzpostaviti temelje za nadaljnje inovacije in raziskave na področju uporabe tehnologije v letalstvu. S tem je bilo raziskovalcem in razvijalcem omogočeno, da nadaljujejo delo v smeri izboljšanja varnosti in učinkovitosti v generalni aviaciji, kar bo koristilo celotni letalski skupnosti.

Keywords:razvoj grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika, generalna aviacija, center gravitacije, vzletna in pristajalna dolžina, METAR
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Ž. Dolenc]
Number of pages:XII, 48 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159134 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:200341763 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Development of a graphical user interface for assisting pilots in preparation for flight
Safety is of paramount importance in aviation. Good and effective pilot preparation can contribute to a higher level of safety in the air. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis was to create a graphical user interface that would facilitate the work of general aviation pilots in their flight preparations. The development process began with a thorough review of the literature on general aviation and the legislative background. Using quantitative methods, we gained insight into the use of technology in general aviation, analysed the functionalities of the most used aviation applications, and studied pilots' preferences regarding graphical user interfaces. Furthermore, we identified requirements and drafted the application and development plan. Based on this, we selected appropriate technologies for development and implemented the interface using the chosen technologies. The developed interface provides functionalities that, based on our requirements gathering process, would be most useful to users. This contributes to faster and more efficient flight preparation, consequently increasing the level of safety in aviation. Although the interface still has potential for further improvements, this project has opened the door for continued development and enhancement of safety and efficiency in general aviation. Our goal was not only to create a functional interface but also to establish a foundation for further innovation and research in the field of technology use in aviation. This enables researchers and developers to continue working towards improving safety and efficiency in general aviation, benefiting the entire aviation community.

Keywords:development of graphical user interface, general aviation, center of gravity, take-off and landing distance, METAR.

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