
Papirnata arhitektura ali kako so gradili arhitekturo, ki ni bila nikoli zgrajena
ID Pisnik, Maja (Author), ID Čeferin, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Arhitekturo običajno razumemo kot dejavnost, katere naloga je projektiranje zgradb, ki bodo tudi zgrajene in bomo v njih lahko stanovali, delali, preživljali prosti čas, skratka, živeli. Veliko projektov, ki so načrtovani za izgradnjo, sicer ostaja neuresničenih. Obstajajo le na papirju ali ekranu. To je njihova žalostna usoda. A sestavni del prakse arhitekture je tudi snovanje zgradb in prostorov, ki niso mišljeni za to, da bi bili zgrajeni. Obstajajo le na papirju in to je tudi njihova realizacija, uresničitev. Realizirani so v risbi. Za eno od oblik takšne arhitekture, ki se je vzpostavila v 80. letih prejšnjega stoletja, se je uveljavil izraz papirnata arhitektura. Poimenovanje izvorno označuje delo mladih arhitektov, ki so delovali v okviru Arhitekturnega inštituta v Moskvi, kot so bili Yuri Avvakumov, Alexander Brodsky, Ilya Utkin in Mikhiel Belov. Delo teh arhitektov – njihovi fantazijski in na nek način utopični projekti – me bodo v tej nalogi posebej zanimali. Zanimal me bo tudi širši problem ustvarjanja t. i. papirnate arhitekture ali arhitekture na papirju. V nalogi jo bom obravnavala kot pojav ali usmeritev, ki je pomembna za prakso arhitekture nasploh. V prvem poglavju se bom posvetila vprašanju, kaj sploh je papirnata arhitektura in kako se je prvič pojavila. V drugem poglavju bom predstavila zgoraj navedene arhitekte in nekatera njihova dela. Gre tako za risbe kot tudi besedila, kar kaže na to, da so za izražanje uporabljali dva jezika; zanimala me bo povezava med njima. Večino omenjenih del so poslali na mednarodne idejne natečaje publikacije Shinkenchiku. V tretjem poglavju bom zato raziskala, kaj je predstavljal Shinkenchiku in kako so delovali idejni natečaji. Nekaj sodelujočih je bilo tudi jugoslovanskih arhitektov. Spomnila bom na nekatere izmed njih in predstavila najzanimivejša dela. Skozi nalogo bom pokazala, kaj torej je arhitektura, ki ne gradi. Ta pa je v nenehni povezavi z arhitekturo, ki pa gradi. Prvi bi lahko rekla disciplina, drugi pa poklic. V zadnjem poglavju bom predstavila še, kaj pomeni eno, kaj drugo in kakšna je povezava med njima. Namen naloge je pokazati, da je papirnata arhitektura ali arhitektura na papirju, kljub temu da ni bila zgrajena, še vedno arhitektura. Pomembna je za samo mišljenje arhitekture in kot takšna vpliva na arhitekturo kot gradnjo. Podobno kot t. i. realizirana arhitektura ima tudi papirnata arhitektura materialne učinke.

Keywords:papirnata arhitektura, utopija, fantazija, arhitekturna realizacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159078 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:202817539 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Paper architecture or how they built architecture that was never built
Architecture is usually understood as an activity whose task is to design buildings that will be built, in which we can later work, spend our free time, in short, live. Many projects that are planned for construction otherwise remain unrealized. They only exist on paper or screen. This is their sad fate. But an important part of the practice of architecture is also the design of buildings and spaces that are not meant to be built. They exist only on paper, and this is also their realization. They are realized in the drawing. For one of the forms of such architecture, which was established in the 80s, the term Paper Architecture became established. The name originally refers to the work of young architects who worked within the Architectural Institute in Moscow, such as Yuri Avvakumov, Alexander Brodsky, Ilya Utkin and Mihael Belov. The work of these architects - their fantasies and in a way utopian projects - will be of particular interest to me in this thesis. I will also be interested in the broader problem of creating the so-called paper architecture or architecture on paper. In this thesis, I will consider it as a phenomenon or orientation that is important for the practice of architecture in general. In the first chapter, I will focus on the question of what paper architecture is and how it first appeared. In the second chapter, I will present the above-mentioned architects and some of their works. These works consist of both drawings and texts, which suggests that they used two languages ​​ to express themselves, I will be interested in their connection. Most of the before mentioned works were sent to the Shinkenchiku publication’s international idea competitions. In the third chapter, I will therefore investigate what Shinkenchiku represented and how the idea competitions worked. Some Yugoslav architects also took part. I will remind of some and present their most interesting works. Through the assignment, I will show what is architecture that does not build. This, however, is in constant connection with architecture, which builds. The first could be called a discipline, and the second a profession. In the last chapter, I will present what one means, what the other means and what is the connection between them. The purpose of this thesis is to show that paper architecture or architecture on paper, despite not being built, is still architecture. It is important for thinking about architecture and, as such, also affects architecture as construction. Similar to the so-called realized architecture, paper architecture also has material effects.

Keywords:paper architecture, utopia, fantasy, architectural realization

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