
Mesto diverzitete, mesto za vse! : idejna zasnova urbanega središča v Stari Šiški v Ljubljani
ID Štefane, Vita (Author), ID Glažar, Tadej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID De Gleria, Vid (Comentor)

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Magistrsko delo obravnava razvoj ljubljanske stanovanjske politike in problematiko kontinuiranosti stanovanjske krize. Za primerjavo ponudi vpogled v zgodovinski potek prijemov dobrih praks Dunaja kot mesta s proaktivno in učinkovito stanovanjsko politiko. Ljubljanska stanovanjska politika je zanemarjena, nepremičninski trg je nereguliran, nastaja vse večja diskrepanca med rastjo cen nepremičnin in kupno močjo prebivalstva, v porastu je luksuzna gradnja, ki ne odgovarja dejanskim potrebam na trgu. Našteto prispeva k temu, da si vse več ljudi ne more privoščiti življenja v mestu, posledični trend gentrifikacije pa negativno vpliva na socialno kohezivnost in raznolikost. V prostorskem kontekstu se obravna stanovanjska Stara Šiška, kjer je prisoten trend luksuzne gradnje na degradiranih območjih. Hkrati ji primanjkuje element povezovanja okoliškega prebivalstva, ki bi prispeval k tvorjenju močnejše identitete in urbanosti prostora. Degradirano območje ob slaščičarni Mihalek nasproti Stare Cerkve se preuredi v urbano središče z javnim mestnim pritličjem, ki povezuje območje s širšo javnostjo in tako ustvari trenutno manjkajočo komponentno družbene kohezivnosti. Javni investitor kot zgled omogoči kvalitetno in trajnostno bivanje za pripadnike finančno šibkejših skupin in s tem nasprotuje trendu gentrifikacije. Novo ustvarjeno urbano središče torej oživi širše območje, ga poveže in spodbuja družbeno diverziteto, kar pripomore, da Ljubljana postane mesto za vse. Magistrska naloga obsega teoretično-analitični in projektni del. Metode prvega dela obsegajo prebiranje in povzemanje literature, izpeljavo kritičnih sklepov, obisk lokacije, fotoanalizo in izdelavo zazanavnih analiz. Projektni del naloge obsega izdelavo makete ter grafično predstavitev arhitekturne rešitve.

Keywords:arhitektura, stanovanjska kriza, stanovanjska politika, stanovanjska gradnja, trajnostna gradnja, neprofitna stanovanja, javno mestno pritličje, urbani center, Ljubljana
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159074 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:202346499 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.06.2024
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Title:City of diversity, city for all! : conceptual design of the urban hub in Stara Šiška in Ljubljana
This master thesis examines the development of Ljubljana's housing policy and the issue of the continuity of the housing crisis. For comparison, it offers insights into the historical development of Vienna's best practices as a city with a proactive and effective housing policy. Ljubljana's housing policy is neglected, the real estate market is unregulated, there is a growing disparity between the growth of property prices and the population's purchasing power, and luxury construction is on the rise, which does not respond to market needs. This contributes to the fact that more and more people can no longer afford to live in the city, and the resulting trend of gentrification is hurting social cohesion and diversity. The spatial context is the residential Stara Šiška, which is experiencing a trend towards luxury construction in degraded areas while at the same time lacking the element of integration of the surrounding population that would contribute to the formation of a stronger identity and urbanity of the area. The degraded area next to the Mihalek confectionery opposite Stara Cerkvev is to be redeveloped into an urban centre with a public urban ground floor that connects the area with the broader public, thus creating the currently missing component of social cohesion. As a role model, the public investor enables quality and sustainable living for members of financially weaker groups, thus countering the trend towards gentrification. Therefore, the newly created urban centre revitalises the wider area, connects it and promotes social diversity, helping to make Ljubljana a city for all. The Master's thesis comprises a theoretical-analytical and a project part. The methods of the first part include reading and summarising the literature, drawing critical conclusions, visiting the site, photo-analysis and making perceptual analyses. The project part of the thesis consists of creating a model and a graphic presentation of the architectural solution.

Keywords:architecture, housing crisis, housing policy, housing construction, sustainable construction, non-profit housing, public urban ground floor, urban centre, Ljubljana

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