
Univerzalna graditev večstanovanjske stavbe za izboljšanje kakovosti in varnosti stanovalcev v vseh življenjskih obdobjih : magistrsko delo
ID Pupović, Nina (Author), ID Dovjak, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Plemelj Mohorič, Alenka (Comentor)

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Magistrska naloga obravnava področje načrtovanja bivalnega okolja za vsa življenjska obdobja v skladu z načeli univerzalne graditve stavb. Kljub temu, da je univerzalna graditev še vedno premalo zastopana v načrtovalski praksi, postaja s staranjem prebivalstva pomemben dejavnik za samostojno delovanje starejših v domačem okolju. Namen magistrske naloge je na študiji primera večstanovanjske stavbe oceniti kriterije univerzalne graditve in pri tem zajeti različne skupine oseb z zmanjšano zmožnostjo (oviranostjo). Na podlagi ocene bo oblikovana idejna zasnova delov in elementov stavbe (dostop, vhod, komunikacije, skupni prostori in stanovanje), ki upoštevajo zahteve in priporočila univerzalne graditve. V predlogu idejne zasnove bodo vpeljane digitalne tehnologije za izboljšanje varnosti in kakovosti življenja stanovalcev v vseh življenjskih obdobjih. Z namenom magistrske naloge smo izvedli pregled zahtev in priporočila za univerzalno graditev večstanovanjskih stavb (Srbija, Slovenija, svet). Na osnovi pregleda smo izdelali ocenjevalni list kriterijev univerzalne graditve večstanovanjske stavbe in ga uporabili za ogled in oceno obravnavane stavbe. Pomembne informacije smo pridobili s preizkusom dostopnosti in funkcionalnosti delov stavbe s starejšim odraslim. Na osnovi ocene dejanskega stanja smo izdelati model idejne zasnove obstoječe stavbe in stanovanja v programu Revit in podali nove rešitve. V izboljšani idejni zasnovi smo vpeljali koncepte domotike in digitalizacije za dobro počutje, zdravje in varnost delovanja oseb v vseh življenjskih obdobjih. Delo prispeva k dvigu ozaveščenosti o pomembnosti univerzalnega načrtovanja ter ponuja konkretne smernice za ustvarjanje okolij, ki omogočajo enakopravno sodelovanje v družbi za vse posameznike, ne glede na starost ali zmogljivosti za delovanje.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, magistrska dela, GR, univerzalna graditev, večstanovanjska stavba, bivalno okolje, dostopnost, funkcionalnost, življenjska obdobja, starejši odrasli, digitalizacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Pupović]
Number of pages:IX, 88 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159065-4c718cdd-c3ca-362d-34d7-a986958e3058 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:200216323 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Universal design of a multi-apartment building to improve the quality and safety of occupants in all life stages : master thesis
The master’s thesis deals with planning the living environment for all life stages according to the principles of universal building design. Although universal design is still underrepresented in planning practice, with the ageing of the population, it is becoming an essential factor for the independent functioning of older adults in their home environment. The purpose of the master’s thesis is to evaluate the criteria of universal design based on a case study of a multi-apartment building and to cover different groups of persons with reduced abilities (disability). Based on the assessment, a conceptual design of parts and elements of the building (access, entrance, communications, common areas and apartment) will be created, considering the requirements and recommendations of universal design. The conceptual design proposal will introduce digital technologies to improve occupants’ safety and quality of life in all life stages. For the Master’s thesis, we reviewed the requirements and recommendations for the universal design of multi-apartment buildings (Serbia, Slovenia, the world). Based on the review, we created an evaluation sheet of criteria for the universal design of a multi-apartment building. We used it to view and evaluate the building in question. We obtained important information by testing the accessibility and functionality of parts of the building with an older adult. Based on the assessment of the actual situation, we created a model of the conceptual design of the existing building and apartment in the Revit program and provided new solutions. In the improved conceptual design, we introduced the concepts of home automation and digitization for people’s well-being, health and safety in all life stages. The work contributes to raising awareness of the importance of universal design. It offers concrete guidelines for creating environments that enable equal participation in society for all individuals, regardless of age or physical abilities, for functioning.

Keywords:civil engineering, master thesis, universal design, multi-apartment building, living environment, accessibility, functionality, life stages, older adults, digitalization

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