
Karakterizacija medu slovenskega porekla s separacijskimi in spektroskopskimi tehnikami
ID Pavlin, Anže (Author), ID Pompe, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Med, eno najbolj cenjenih živil, je na trgu že od antičnih časov. Zaradi svoje priljubljenosti in pomanjkljive definiranosti pa je pogostokrat tarča ponarejanja oziroma prirejanja botaničnega in geografskega izvora končnega produkta. V tej doktorski nalogi sem z uporabo sodobnih analitskih tehnik postavil enostavne in hitre metode, brez posebne predpriprave vzorcev, s katerimi sem določil označevalce za ločevanje med slovenskim kostanjevem, lipovim, akacijevim, hojevim, smrekovim, cvetličnim in gozdnim medom. Označevalce sem iskal in določil izmed hlapnih organskih spojin, kovin in ostalih elementov, ter kinurenske kisline, prisotne v medu. Analize sem izvedel na GC-MS, ICP-MS in HPLC-MS/MS. Posebne predpriprave vzorcev zaradi selektivnosti razvitih metod niso bile potrebne, kar zmanjša strošek in čas analize. Pri analizi hlapnih organskih spojin sem določal specifične in karakteristične spojine za vsak tip medu. Specifične spojine sem predlagal kot nedvoumne označevalce. Hlapne organske spojine sem iz nadprostora vzorčil s SPME, čemur je sledila analiza z GC-MS metodo. Za vsak tip medu sem določil nedvoumne označevalce in sicer dvanajst za lipov med, šest za kostanjev, štiri za akacijev, pet za smrekov in devet za hojev med. Za vsak tip medu sem določil tudi pet karakterističnih spojin (spojin z najvišjo vsebnostjo), ki pa nam lahko služijo kot podporni označevalci. Po mikrovalovnem razklopu smo, z uporabo metode ICP-MS v medu, simultano kvalitativno in kvantitativno analizirali 33 elementov. Izkazalo se je, da je mediana celokupne vsebnosti analiziranih elementov najvišja v kostanjevem medu in sicer 4,4×10$^3$ μg/g, v območju 3,3×10$^3$–6,0×10$^3$ μg/g, najnižja pa v akacijevem medu z 4,02×10$^2$ μg/g, v območju 2,0×10$^2$–7,6×10$^2$ μg/g; oba rezultata lahko, glede na vsebnosti elementov v ostalih medovih, predlagamo kot označevalca. Po analizi podatkov in obdelavi rezultatov z metodo PCA je bilo največ označevalcev predlaganih za kostanjev med, za katerega je značilna prisotnost Ga, ki je v ostalih medovih odsoten, in signifikantno višja vsebnost B, Na, K, Ca, Mn in Ba. Pri akacijevem smo ugotovili signifikantno nizke vsebnosti K, Mn in Rb. Z namenom določanja geografskega izvora smo določili tudi 11 značilnih kovin (in njihovih vsebnosti) za slovenski med. Kinurenski kislini (KYNA) se pripisuje mnoge pozitivne učinke na zdravje, spreminjanje njene koncentracije v človeškem telesu pa pripisujejo določenim zdravstvenim stanjem. Potreba po optimizaciji metode za direktno analizo KYNA me je vodila v razvoj hitre in enostavne HPLC-MS/MS metode z detektorjem v SRM načinu, kar omogoča selektivno analizo KYNA, pri kateri ekstrakcija ali kakšna druga posebna predpriprava vzorca ni potrebna. Hkrati pa se je KYNA izkazala kot nedvoumen označevalec za kostanjev med, namreč vsebnost KYNA v kostanjevem medu (328–1,02×10$^3$ μg/g) je izrazito višja, kot v ostalih analiziranih tipih medu. Višja vsebnost je bila zaznana tudi v lipovem medu (24,6–189 μg/g), kar je bilo prav tako predlagano kot nedvoumen označevalec. Vsebnost 5-hidroksimetilfurfurala (HMF) v medu je pokazatelj kakovosti. Povišane vrednosti nakazujejo na prekomerno toplotno obdelavo oziroma dodajanje sladkornih sirupov. za slovenski akacijev med se je izkazalo, da je bolj podvržen tvorbi HMF kot ostale vrste medu, saj je vsebnost presegla zakonsko določeno mejno vrednost 40 μg/g. Ugotovil sem, da je nagnjen k tvorbi HMF že pri sobni temperaturi. Prav tako sem potrdil tudi pričakovano nizko vrednost HMF pri svežih medovih. S temi hitrimi, enostavnimi in relativno poceni metodami sem identificiral označevalce za določeno vrsto medu. S tem sem postavil nove mejnike, ki bi se potencialno lahko uporabili v praksi pri določevanju botaničnega in geografskega porekla medu ter ugotavljanju kakovosti in ponaredkov.

Keywords:med, označevalec, GC-MS, hlapne organske spojine, ICP-MS, kovine, HPLC-MS/MS, kinurenska kislina, 5-hidroksimetilfurfural
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159051 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:203187971 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Characterization of honey of Slovenian origin with separation and spectroscopic techniques
Honey, one of the most valued foods, has been on the market since ancient times. Due to its popularity and lack of definition, it is often the target of falsification or modification of botanical and geographical origin of the final product. In this doctoral thesis modern analytical techniques were used for developing simple and fast methods without any special preparation of samples for determining markers for distinguishing between Slovenian chestnut, linden, acacia, silver fir, spruce, flower and forest honey. Markers were investigated and determined among volatile organic compounds, metals and other elements and kynurenic acid in honey. Analyses were performed on GC-MS, ICP-MS and HPLC-MS/MS systems. Due to the selectivity of methods, special pre-preparation of the samples was not necessary, which reduces the cost and time of the analysis. Volatile organic compounds, specific and characteristic, were determined for each honey type. Specific coupounds were suggested as specific markers. Volatile organic components were extracted from the headspace by SPME followed by analysis with a GC-MS method. Specific markers were determined for each honey type namely twelve for linden, six for chestnut, four for acacia, five for spruce and nine for silver fir honey. Five characteristic compounds were determined for each honey type (compounds with the highest content) which can serve us as supporting markers. After microwave digestion, 33 elements were simultaneously qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed in honey using the ICP-MS method. It turned out that the median total content of analyzed elements is the highest in chestnut honey with 4,4×10$^3$ μg/g in range 3,3×10$^3$–6,0×10$^3$ μg/g, and the lowest in acacia honey with 4,02×10$^2$ μg/g in range 2,0×10$^2$–7,6×10$^2$ μg/g; both results could be, in comparison with results of other honey types, proposed as markers. After analyzing the data and processing the results with the PCA method, the highest number of markers were proposed for chestnut honey, which is characterized by the presence of Ga, which is absent in other honey types, and a significantly high content of B, Na, K, Ca, Mn and Ba. Significantly low contents of K, Mn and Rb were found in acacia. For purposes of geographical origin 11 metals (and their contents) have been proposed as characteristic for Slovenian honey. Kynurenic acid (KYNA) is credited with many positive health effects and changes in its concentration in the human body, are attributed to certain medical conditions. The need for an optimized method for direct analysis of KYNA has led us to develop a rapid and simple HPLC-MS/MS method with a detector in SRM mode that allows selective analysis of KYNA, requiring no extraction or other special sample preparation. At the same time, it proved to be a marker for chestnut honey, namely the content of KYNA in chestnut honey (328–1,02×10$^3$ μg/g) is significantly higher than in the other analyzed types of honey. A higher content was also detected in linden honey (24,6–189 μg/g) and was also suggested as marker for linden honey. The level of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) in honey is an indicator of quality. Elevated levels indicate excessive heat treatment or the addition of sugar syrups. Slovenian acacia honey was found to be more susceptible to HMF formation than other types of honey, as they exceeded the legal limit of 40 μg/g. We found that it was prone to HMF formation even at room temperature. We also confirmed the expected low HMF content in fresh honey. With these fast, simple and relatively inexpensive methods, we identified markers for a specific type of honey. With this, we set new milestones that could potentially be used in practice in determining botanical and geographical origin, as well as determining quality and counterfeits.

Keywords:honey, marker, GC-MS, volatile organic compounds, ICP-MS, metals, HPLC-MS/MS, kynurenic acid, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural

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