
Možnost pridobivanja težkih mineralov iz rdečega mulja z gravitacijsko in magnetno separacijo : magistrsko delo
ID Mujanović, Adem (Author)

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Rdeči mulj nastaja kot stranski produkt pri hidrometalurški proizvodnji glinice (Al2O3) iz aluminijeve rude – boksita. V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali možnost ekstrakcije slabo magnetnega hematita z visoko gradientno magnetno separacijo (HGMS) in možnost ekstrakcije težkih mineralov (hematit, rutil in cirkonij) z gravitacijsko separacijo (EMGS) iz rdečega mulja. Omenjene metode separacij so bile prvič uporabljene na rdečem mulju. Preiskovani material smo vzorčili z odlagališča rdečega mulja Birač, tovarne glinice Alumina d. o. o. Zvornik v Bosni in Hercegovini. Cilj testiranja je bil določiti primerne postopke za proizvodnjo predkoncentratov mikroelementov, kot so skandij, itrij, lantan, galij in elementov redkih zemelj v hematitu za njihovo nadaljnjo hidrometalurško ekstrakcijo ter za proizvodnjo koncentratov težkih titanovih mineralov (rutil) in cirkonija iz nemagnetne frakcije rdečega mulja. Na podlagi laserskega analizatorja smo ugotovili, da je velikost zrn povprečne frakcije rdečega mulja približno 1,9 µm. Na podlagi rezultatov analize XRF smo ugotovili, da je bila gravitacijska separacija najbolj uspešna na frakciji 25–45 µm za hematit in cirkonij pri specifični gostoti materiala ? = 1,03 g/cm3. Za titanove minerale gravitacijska separacija ni bila uspešna. Magnetna separacija je bila najuspešnejša na frakciji 25–45 µm za hematit pri gostoti magnetnega polja ? = 3,6 kG. Prvič je bilo dokazano z uporabljenimi metodami magnetne separacije in koncentracije slabo magnetnega hematita v začetni fazi ter končne gravitacijske separacije titanovih mineralov in cirkonija iz nemagnetne frakcije rdečega mulja, da rdeči mulj kaže dober potencial za nadaljnjo dobičkonosno industrijsko proizvodnjo titanovih mineralov in cirkonija. V naslednjih načrtovanih fazah nameravamo izvesti možnost pridobivanja elementov v sledovih (Sc, Y in REE), ki so vezani na koncentrat slabo magnetnega hematita s kemično ekstrakcijo.

Keywords:boksiti, rdeči mulj, HGMS, EMGS, težki minerali
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:A. Mujanović
Number of pages:XIV, 52 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159036 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:201028099 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Possibility of heavy minerals extraction from red mud with gravity and magnetic separation : master's thesis
Red mud is produced as a by-product during the hydrometallurgical production of alumina (Al2O3) from aluminum ore – bauxite. In master's thesis were investigated the possibility of extracting weakly magnetic hematite with High Gradient Magnetic Separation (HGMS) and the possibility of extracting heavy minerals (hematite, rutile, zirconium) by Enhanced Multi Gravity Separator (EMGS). The above-mentioned separation methods were applied for the first time on red mud. The investigated material was taken from the Birač red mud landfill, alumina factory Alumina d. o. o. Zvornik, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of the testing was to define suitable production conditions for the production of pre-concentrates of trace elements Sc, Y, La, Ga, REE in hematite for their further hydrometallurgical extraction, as well as for the production of concentrates of heavy titanium minerals (rutile) and zirconium from the non-magnetic fraction of red mud. Based on the laser analyzer, it was determined that the average fraction of red mud is about 10 μm. Based on the results of XRF analysis, it was determined that gravity separation was most successful on the 25–45 µm fraction for hematite and for zirconium at a specific material density of ρ = 1.03. The gravity separation for rutile was not successful on all mentioned fractions. Magnetic separation was most successful on the 25–45 µm fraction for hematite at the magnetic field density ρ = 3,6 kG. It has been proven for the first time that with the used methods of magnetic separation and concentration of weakly magnetic hematite in the initial phase and the final gravitational separation of titanium minerals and zirconium from the non-magnetic fraction of red mud, that red mud shows good potential for further profitable industrial production of titanium minerals and zirconium. In the next planned phases, we plan to the possibility of testing trace elements (Sc, Y and REE) bound to weakly magnetic hematite concentrate by chemical extraction.

Keywords:bauxites, red mud, HGMS, EMGS, heavy minerals

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