
Doživljanje mirovanja v rizični nosečnosti : magistrsko delo
ID Levanič, Katja (Author), ID Zorc-Maver, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tema magistrskega dela je predstavitev izkušnje mirovanja v rizični nosečnosti. V teoretičnem delu najprej predstavim, kaj sploh je rizična nosečnost in kaj pomeni predpisan ukrep mirovanja v nosečnosti ter kdaj se ga predpisuje. V nadaljevanju predstavim tuje raziskave, s katerimi sem poskušala ugotoviti, kako se ukrep mirovanja odraža na psihosocialnem in emocionalnem počutju ženske ter kakšne so oblike pomoči in podpore, ki so na voljo tej skupini v našem socialnem okolju. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati virtualne fokusne (podporne) skupine s sedmimi nosečnicami, ki imajo zaradi rizične nosečnosti predpisan ukrep mirovanja na domu. Svojo izkušnjo opredeljujejo kot izjemno težko in kot izkušnjo, ki je vplivala tako na dojemanje samih sebe kot na medosebne odnose. Prvi odzivi nosečnic na predpis mirovanja so bili šok ter občutki strahu glede zdravja otroka ter razočaranje ob izgubi predstave o »zdravi-fit« nosečnosti. Pokazala se je razlika v odzivu glede na to, ali je bila to prva izkušnja mirovanja ali so tovrstno izkušnjo že imele. Mirovanje je v največji meri vplivalo na emocionalno in psihosocialno počutje ženske ter na družinsko dinamiko. Dekleta izrazijo predvsem potrebo po psihosocialni podpori ter podpori glede varstva otrok in gospodinjskih opravil. Kot glavni vir podpore dekleta navajajo partnerja. Med zaščitnimi dejavniki za tesnobo in depresivnost v nosečnosti in v poporodnem obdobju se je kot najpomembnejša izkazala prav partnerjeva podpora. Nosečnice so razvile različne strategije soočanja z izkušnjo mirovanja. Kot najpogostejša pa je bila izpostavljena usmeritev v pozitivno razmišljanje o prihodnosti ter strategija, ki smo jo poimenovali »v dobro otroka«. Virtualna fokusna skupina se je izkazala kot učinkovito orodje pri zagotavljanju medsebojne pomoči in podpore tej ranljivi skupini. Kljub nekaterim začetnim dvomom glede uporabnosti skupine je večina udeleženk sodelovanje v skupini ocenila kot dragoceno in koristno pri spoprijemanju s težavami v času predpisanega mirovanja. Naloga opisuje področje, kjer lahko socialni pedagogi odpiramo prostor za diskusijo in ženskam ponudimo oporo pri ozaveščanju svojih občutkov ob soočanju z mirovanjem, materinstvom in njegovimi izzivi. Kot moderatorji skupine lahko ponudimo varen prostor in s tem vodimo skupino in posameznice po poti prepoznavanja potreb in iskanja virov moči, ki bi jih lahko koristile in si s tem olajšale izkušnjo mirovanja v nosečnosti.

Keywords:Rizična nosečnost, Socialno skrbstvo, mirovanje doma, psihosocialne spremembe, emocionalne spremembe, socialna podpora, virtualna fokusna skupina, virtualna podporna skupina
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:K. Levanič
Number of pages:70 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158959 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:200233731 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Experiencing bed rest in high-risk pregnancy
The theme of the master's thesis is the presentation of the experience of bed rest during a high-risk pregnancy. In the theoretical part, I first introduce what a high-risk pregnancy is and what the prescribed measure of bed rest refers to, including when it is prescribed. Next, foreign research is presented with the attempt to determine how bed rest affects the psychosocial and emotional well-being of women, as well as what forms of assistance and support are available to this group in our social environment. The empirical part offers the results of a virtual focus (support) group with seven pregnant women after having been prescribed bed rest at home due to high-risk pregnancies. All of the women in question define their experience as extremely demanding, as well as an experience which has affected both their self-perception and interpersonal relationships. Having been prescribed with bed rest, the women initially reacted with shock and feelings of fear regarding the health of the child and disappointment at the loss of the concept of a "healthy-fit" pregnancy. A difference in response was detected depending on whether this was the women’s first experience of bed rest or they have previously already been faced with such a situation. Bed rest mainly affected the emotional and psychosocial well-being of the women and their family dynamics. The women primarily express the need for psychosocial support and assistance with childcare and household chores. They name their partner as the main source of support. Partner support stands out as the most significant protective factor against anxiety and depression during pregnancy and the postpartum period. The pregnant women developed various coping strategies having experienced the bed rest. The most common strategy was a positive thinking mindset and a strategy we named "for the good of the child". The virtual focus group proved to be an effective tool in providing mutual assistance and support to this vulnerable group. Despite some initial doubts about the usability of the group, most participants rated their participation in the group as valuable and beneficial in coping with the various challenges during the prescribed bed rest period. The thesis describes an area where social pedagogues can create space for discussion and offer support to women, making them become aware of their feelings when facing bed rest, motherhood and its challenges. As group moderators, we can provide a safe space and thereby guide the group and individuals on the path of recognizing their needs and finding sources of strength they could benefit from and therefore ease the experience of bed rest in pregnancy.

Keywords:High-risk pregnancy, home »bed rest«, psychosocial changes, emotional changes, social support, virtual focus group, virtual support group

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