
Usposobljenost študentov socialnega dela za delo z uporabniki s spektroavtistično motnjo
ID Šilc, Miša (Author), ID Rakovec, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu sem raziskovala usposobljenost študentov socialnega dela po zaključku študija za delo z uporabniki s spektroavtistično motnjo (SAM), zlasti v kontekstu Zavoda za gluhe in naglušne Ljubljana (ZGNL). Teoretični del moje naloge obsega poglobljeno obravnavo spektroavtistične motnje, vključno z njeno zgodovino, terminologijo, definicijo in značilnostmi, prav tako pa sem raziskala vzroke za pojav SAM in metode dela z osebami, ki se soočajo s to motnjo. Predstavila sem tudi smernice za obravnavo in vključitev oseb s SAM ter delovanje ZGNL. S pomočjo kvalitativne raziskave sem oblikovala glavne ugotovitve v zvezi z obravnavano temo. Razlog za izvedbo te raziskave izvira iz mojih lastnih izkušenj, saj sem septembra 2023 začela delati na ZGNL, kjer sem se neposredno srečevala z izzivi, povezanimi z razumevanjem in podporo uporabnikom s SAM. S praktičnim delom sem spoznala unikatnost vsakega posameznika s SAM, kar me je še dodatno motiviralo za raziskovanje tega področja. Da bi moja raziskava presegla osebne izkušnje in mnenja sovrstnikov, sem se odločila za vključitev mnenj izkušenih zaposlenih na ZGNL. V raziskavo sem vključila tri skupine udeležencev: študente socialnega dela z izkušnjami z uporabniki s SAM, študente brez teh izkušenj in zaposlene na ZGNL. Rezultati so pokazali, da študentje s praktičnimi izkušnjami občutijo večjo pripravljenost in samozavest pri delu z osebami s SAM v primerjavi s tistimi brez izkušenj. Praktične izkušnje so se izkazale kot ključne pri razvoju potrebnih veščin in globljem razumevanju potreb uporabnikov s SAM. Zaposleni na ZGNL poudarjajo, da so te izkušnje bistvene za razvoj ustreznih kompetenc študentov in njihovo pripravljenost za strokovno delo. Poleg tega so kot pomembni za to področje izpostavljeni nekateri predmeti na fakulteti, vendar pa vse vpletene skupine ugotavljajo, da je pomembnejši poudarek na praktičnem usposabljanju. To študentom omogoča, da teorijo prenesejo v prakso in nadgradijo svoja znanja ter veščine, kar je ključno za uspešno delo z osebami s SAM.

Keywords:spektroavtistična motnja (SAM), usposobljenost študentov socialnega dela, Zavod za gluhe in naglušne Ljubljana, delo z uporabniki s SAM, praktične izkušnje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158932 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Competence of Social Work Students to work with Users with Autism Spectrum Disorder
In my master's thesis, I explored the preparedness of social work students after completing their studies for working with users with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), particularly in the context of Zavod za gluhe in naglušne Ljubljana (ZGNL). The theoretical part of my thesis includes an in-depth discussion of ASD, including its history, terminology, definition, and characteristics. I also included the causes of ASD and the methods for working with individuals facing this disorder. I presented guidelines for the treatment and integration of individuals with ASD and provided insights into the operations of ZGNL. I formed main findings related to the topic of my thesis through qualitative research. The reason I conducted this research stems from my own experience, as I started working at ZGNL in September 2023, where I’ve directly encountered challenges related to understanding and supporting users with ASD. The practical part of my work allowed me to recognize the uniqueness of each individual with ASD, which further motivated me to explore this field. To ensure that my research extended beyond personal experience and the opinions of my peers, I decided to include the views of experienced employees at ZGNL. The research therefore involved three groups of participants: social work students with experience with ASD users, students without such experience, and employees at ZGNL. The results showed that students with practical experience felt more prepared and confident in working with individuals with ASD compared to those without experience. Practical experience proved to be crucial in developing the necessary skills and deeper understanding of the needs of users with ASD. Employees at ZGNL emphasize that these experiences are essential for developing the appropriate competencies of students and their readiness for professional work. Even though certain subjects at the university are highlighted as important for this field, all involved groups acknowledge that emphasis on practical training is more significant. This allows students to put theory into practice and enhance their knowledge and skills, which is vital for successful work with individuals with ASD.

Keywords:autism spectrum disorder (ASD), preparedness of social work students, Zavod za gluhe in naglušne Ljubljana, working with users with ASD, practical experience

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