
Stanovanjska skupina za osebe z izkušnjo zasvojenosti: Primer pridobivanja veščin za premagovanje vsakodnevnih ovir
ID Kokalj, Karin (Author), ID Sobočan, Ana Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Talan, Simona (Comentor)

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Življenje po prenehanju zlorabe psihoaktivnih substanc prinaša ogromno ovir, s katerimi so se osebe prej spoprijemale preko vpliva substanc. Za večjo možnost ohranitve abstinence se tako morajo bivši uživalci naučiti novih spretnosti in načinov premagovanja ovir v vsakodnevnem življenju. V teoretičnem delu pozornost namenim štirim glavnim temam. Najprej definiram pojem zasvojenosti, pojasnim razvoj in značilnosti zasvojenosti. V drugem delu se posvetim temi abstiniranja, jo opredelim, predstavim abstinenčno krizo in uvid, nato pa omenim tudi recidiv in kako zmanjšati tveganje zanj. V tretjem delu predstavim način delovanja nizkopražnih in visokopražnih programov ter podrobneje predstavim stanovanjsko skupino, v četrtem poglavju pa se osredotočim še na socialno delo na področju zasvojenosti. V diplomskem delu sem se odločila za kvalitativno raziskavo, pri čemer me je zanimalo, katere veščine in spretnosti so bivši stanovalci stanovanjske skupine pridobili v programu in katere bi izpostavili za najbolj pomembne. Prav tako pa me je tudi zanimalo, kako pomemben je odnos med stanovalci in zaposlenimi, za dolgoročno korist in spoprijemanje z vsakodnevnimi dilemami.

Keywords:Zasvojenost, abstinenca, recidiv, programi na področju zasvojenosti, stanovanjska skupina za osebe z izkušnjo zasvojenosti, socialno delo na področju zasvojenosti, veščine in spretnosti pridobljene v stanovanjski skupini.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158924 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Residental group for people with addiction experience: An example of acquiring skills to overcome everyday challenges
Life after the cessation of abuse of psyschoactive substance brings a lot of challenges, with whick individuals have previously delat through the influence of substances. For a greater ability to preserve abstinence, former users have to learn new skills and ways of overcoming challenges in everyday life. In the theoretical part, I pay attention to four major topics. First, I define the notion of addiction, explain development and the characteristics of addiction. In the second part, I devote myself to the topic of abstinence, identify it, present the abstinence crisis and insight, and then mention the relapse and how to reduce the risk of it. In the third part, I present how low-threshold and high-threshold programs work, and in the fourth section I focus on social work in the field of addiction. In my diploma thesis, I decided on a qualitative research where I was interested in what skills the former residents of the housing group have acquired in the program and which would be highlighted as the most important. I was also interested in the importance of the relationship between residents and employees, for the long-term benefit and coping with everyday dilemmas.

Keywords:Addiction, abstinence, relapse, programs in the field of addiction, residential group for people with addiction experience, social work in the field of addiction, skills acquired in the residential group.

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