
Izvajanje preventivnih delavnic kot dejavnik vpliva na razredno klimo med dijaki Srednje šole tehniških strok Šiška
ID Maček, Jona (Author), ID Sobočan, Ana Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V teoretičnem delu magistrske naloge sem opisala bistvena teoretična izhodišča na temo delovanja svetovalne službe in pomena šolske ter razredne klime, na koncu pa sem vse skupaj povezala še s socialnim delom. Navedene tematike sem dopolnila še s teoretičnim pregledom tega, kar smo z dijaki obravnavali na izvedenih preventivnih delavnicah. Pri raziskovanju me je zanimalo, kako oz. ali imajo lahko preventivne delavnice vlogo dejavnika vpliva na razredno klimo. Pozitivna šolska in razredna klima sta namreč povezani z višjo stopnjo motiviranosti dijakov, boljšim učnim uspehom in še mnogo več. Da bi raziskala to povezavo, sem izvedla kombinirano raziskavo, kar pomeni, da sem zbirala tako številčne kot tudi besedne opise pojavov. Raziskava torej vsebuje kvantitativno in kvalitativno metodo. Ugotovila sem, da so z izvedenimi delavnicami dijaki pridobili novo znanje na področjih, ki smo jih obravnavali, kar so dijaki tudi sami zaznali. Večini dijakov so se delavnice zdele tudi koristne. Spremembe v zaznani razredni klimi pa so bile minimalne, v nekaterih razredih v pozitivno smer, spet v drugih pa v negativno smer. Razredniki klimo zaznavajo kot pozitivno, z rezultati delavnic pa so bili večinoma zadovoljni.

Keywords:svetovalna služba, razredna klima, preventivno delo, duševno zdravje, samopodoba, čustva, asertivnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158922 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The Implementation of Preventive Workshops as a Factor of Classroom Climate Among Students of Secondary School of Technical Professions Šiška
In the theoretical part of the master's thesis, I have outlined fundamental findings pertaining to the function of the school's counselling service and the importance of school and classroom climate, contextualized within the contents of social work. In addition, I have expanded the theoretical overview of topics which were included in the preventative workshops. During the research process I was mostly interested in how preventive workshops can play an influential role on school climate as positive school and classroom climate is associated with the students' higher motivation, better academic success and more. To explore this connection, I conducted combined research, which means I collected both numerical and verbal descriptions of the phenomena. The research therefore contains a quantitative and a qualitative method. I found that through the workshops the students gained new knowledge in areas that were addressed, which was also pointed out by the students. Most of the students also found the workshops to be useful. Changes in the perceived school climate were minimal, in some classes in a positive direction, or a negative direction in others. Teachers perceived climate as positive; they were also mostly satisfied with the results of the workshops.

Keywords:counselling services, classroom climate, preventative work, mental health, self-image, emotions, assertiveness

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