
Simulacija obremenitvenega kolektiva z metodo diskretnih elementov pri striženju vlaknaste strukture
ID Plahuta, Klemen (Author), ID Šeruga, Domen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Klemenc, Jernej (Comentor)

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V magistrski nalogi se posvečamo določanju obremenitvenega kolektiva na rezilo ob striženju vlaknaste strukture. Na začetku izvedemo študijo teoretičnega ozadja metode diskretnih elementov. Razumevanje metode je osnova za pravilno izvajanje simulacij. V simulacijskem okolju nato z medsebojnim povezovanjem diskretnih elementov ustvarimo vlaknasto strukturo, čemur sledi še modeliranje rezila. Za določitev obremenitvenega kolektiva moramo ustrezno izbrati lastnosti vlaknaste strukture in rezila ter ustrezne začetne in robne pogoje. Rezultati simulacij so nato računalniško obdelani in grafično prikazani. Sledi komentar rezultatov in navedba razlogov za opažene sile na rezilo. Sile, ki se v simulaciji pojavijo na rezilo, zavzemajo vrednosti med 100 N in 900 N. Glavni razlog za omenjene vrednosti sil na rezilo je kratek čas trajanja trka zaradi visokih hitrosti rezila. Za potrditev pravilnosti delovanja simulacije je sledila izvedba eksperimenta striženja travnate bilke in primerjava eksperimentalnih rezultatov z rezultati simulacije.

Keywords:diskretni elementi, metoda diskretnih elementov, obremenitveni kolektivi, rezila, simulacije, vezi, vlaknaste strukture
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Plahuta]
Number of pages:XXIV, 77 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158915 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:202825731 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Simulation of load spectrum using the discrete element method for shearing of fibrous structure
This Master's thesis focuses on the determination of the load spectrum on the blade when shearing a fibrous structure. First, the theoretical background of the discrete element method is studied. Understanding this method forms the basis for the correct implementation of the simulations. Second, the fibrous structure is created in the simulation environment by bonding the discrete elements, followed by modelling the blade. To determine the load spectrum, the properties of the fibrous structure and the blade, as well as the appropriate initial and boundary conditions, must be selected. The results of the simulations are then processed and displayed accordingly. This is followed by a commentary on the results and the reasons for the observed forces on the blade. The forces on the blade in the simulation take values between 100 N and 900 N. The main reason for computed values of the forces on the blade is the short duration of the impact due to the high speed of the blade. In order to confirm the accuracy of the simulation, a grass blade shearing experiment was conducted and the experimental results were compared with the simulation results.

Keywords:blades, bonds, discrete element method, discrete elements, fibrous structures, load spectrums, simulations

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