
Vrednotenje vpliva slanice na izbrane funkcijske parametre kože
ID Jamšek, Monika (Author), ID Zvonar Pobirk, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Gosenca Matjaž, Mirjam (Comentor)

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Koža je človekov največji organ, ki je sestavljen iz treh plasti – povrhnjice, usnjice in podkožja. Ima zaščitno, sekretorno in termoregulacijsko vlogo ter deluje kot čutilni organ. Telo ščiti pred mehanskimi dejavniki, pred prekomernim izhlapevanjem vode in vdorom snovi iz okolja v kožo, pred UV – sevanjem in biološkimi dejavniki ter sodeluje pri imunskem odzivu. Ključno vlogo pri vzdrževanju in regulaciji hidratiranosti ima rožena plast povrhnjice, ki predstavlja glavno permeabilnostno bariero in tako uravnava transepidermalno izgubo vode (TEWL – transepidermal water loss). (1) Za nego kože se zaradi visoke vsebnosti mineralov in kovinskih ionov v sledovih pogosto uporablja tudi morska voda. V skladu s številnimi raziskavami, ki so potrdile ugodne lastnosti vode iz Mrtvega morja (angl.: dead sea water – DSW) na različna stanja kože (2), smo v okviru diplomske naloge proučili vpliv kozmetičnega izdelka slanice, ki je na trgu dostopna pod blagovno znamko Piranske soline Lepa Vida, na lastnosti kože in vivo. V raziskavo smo vključili 15 prostovoljk, ki so izdelek uporabljale 5 min dnevno na notranji podlahti. Spremljali smo vpliv izdelka na transepidermalno izgubo vode, eritemski indeks, hidratacijo kože, ter pH kože po sedmih in 14-ih dneh uporabe. Ugotovili smo, da slanica pripomore k izboljšanju barierne funkcije kože, saj se je vsem prostovoljkam TEWL vrednost po sedmih in 14-ih dneh uporabe izdelka močno znižala. Smo pa po uporabi izmerili nižje vrednosti hidratacije, kar je verjetno povezano z intenzivnostjo uporabe izdelka. Glede na rezultate meritev nismo potrdili vpliva izdelka na eritemski indeks in pH kože, kar je v skladu z izboljšanjem barierne funcije kože. Rezultati raziskave pa nakazujejo, da je slanico bolj kot samostojen kozmetični izdelek (KI) priporočljivo uporabljati kot sestavino negovalnih kozmetičnih izdelkov, v katerih bo prišel do izraza njen ugoden vpliv na barierno funkcijo kože, ostale sestavine v izdelku pa bodo poskrbele za ustrezno hidratacijo kože.

Keywords:Rožena plast, morska voda, TEWL, hidratacija, eritemski indeks, pH.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158903 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.06.2024
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Title:Evaluation of brine's impact on selected functional skin parameters
The skin is the largest human organ, which consists of three layers - the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue. It has a protective, secretory and thermoregulatory role and functions as a sensory organ. It protects the body from mechanical factors, from excessive evaporation of water and penetration of substances from the environment into the skin, from UV radiation and biological factors, and participates in the immune response. A key role in the maintenance and regulation of hydration is played by the cornified layer of the epidermis, which represents the main permeability barrier and thus regulates transepidermal water loss (TEWL - transepidermal water loss). (1) Due to the high content of minerals and trace metal ions, sea water is also often used for skin care. In accordance with numerous researches that have confirmed the beneficial properties of Dead Sea water (DSW) on various skin conditions (2), we studied the influence of the cosmetic product brine, which is available on the market under the Piranske soline brand Lepa Vida, on the properties of the skin in vivo. We included 15 female volunteers in the research, who used the product for 5 minutes a day on the inner forearm. We monitored the effect of the product on transepidermal water loss, erythema index, skin hydration and skin pH after seven and 14 days of use. We found that the brine (Lepa Vida) helps to improve the barrier function of the skin, as the TEWL value of all volunteers decreased significantly after seven and 14 days of using the product. However, we measured lower hydration values after use, which is probably related to the intensity of product use. According to the results of the measurements, we did not confirm the effect of the product on the erythema index and pH of the skin, which is in line with the improvement of the skin's barrier function. The results of the research suggest that, rather than a stand-alone cosmetic product, it is recommended to use brine as an ingredient in care cosmetic products, in which its beneficial effect on the skin's barrier function will come to the fore, while the other ingredients in the product will ensure adequate hydration of the skin.

Keywords:Stratum corneum, seawater, TEWL, hydration, erythema index, pH.

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