In the thesis, serving CNC machines with the robot in the company Podgorje d.o.o. Šentjernej is presented. Serving CNC machines with the robot is the most commonly known in the automobile and metalworking branches. In woodworking such usage is rarer. We decided to research before the purchase and introduction of the industrial robots into our production. We analyzed the advantages and possible obstacles in introducing the robotization. An analysis of the existing condition was performed in the company and the analysis of the competitive companies as well. In the process we ascertained that our company is one of the best in the branch. We set the demands for the robot for the existing production. We surveyed all the possible providers and their offers. According to the offer that included the best solution for our case (the investment would be repaid in 1.6 years), we produced the proposal of the introduction of the robot into the production process and made a SWOT analysis of robotization, where we sensed the greatest strength in lower costs of work and thus the raise of the value added per employee. In future, we see the opportunity of the usage of the robots on three additional working positions in our production.