
Spremljanje dinamike navlaževanja izbranih lesnih vrst v laboratoriju in na prostem : diplomsko delo - univerzitetni študij
ID Lenarčič, Jernej (Author), ID Humar, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Lesar, Boštjan (Reviewer)

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Les je, kot naraven material rastlinskega izvora, podvržen razkroju. Na naravno odpornost lesa proti dejavnikom razkroja v veliki meri vpliva dovzetnost lesa na vlaženje. Če je v lesu manj kot 20 % vode, se nevarnost za razvoj gliv bistveno zmanjša. V praksi se različne vrste lesa uporabljajo na različnih, vlagi bolj ali manj izpostavljenih mestih. V okviru te naloge smo želeli osvetliti dinamiko vlaženja lesa na prostem in preveriti ustreznost različnih metod spremljanja vlažnosti. Vzorce izbranih lesnih vrst smo izpostavili vremenskim vplivom. V raziskavi smo uporabili gravimetrično metodo, pri kateri smo mase vzorcev na terenu spremljali občasno in kontinuirano. Vzorce smo namestili na ozke nosilce in jim ročno tedensko določili maso. Del vzorcev je bil nameščen na avtomatskih tehtnicah, ki so vsakih 50 sekund odčitale maso. Poleg tega smo dinamiko vlaženja določili tudi v laboratoriju. Vzorcem smo določili kratkotrajno navzemanje vode. Posamezne rezultate smo primerjali in ugotavljali skladnost razmerij med posameznimi vrstami lesa. Izkazalo se je, da so rezultati medsebojno pogojno primerljivi. Že v kratkem času so se izkazale pomanjkljivosti metode kontinuiranega terenskega merjenja. Metoda kontinuiranega merjenja nima vgrajenega mehanizma korekcije v primeru, ko se na površini vzorcev lesa zadržuje kapljevina, smeti ali polži ali kadar na odčitek vpliva drug dejavnik iz okolice.

Keywords:vlažnost lesa, kratkotrajni navzem, dinamika vlaženja lesa
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:J. Lenarčič
Number of pages:VIII, 44 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158869 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:2652553 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Monitoring of moisture dynamics of selected wood species in laboratory and in outdoor conditions : graduation thesis - university studies
As biological material wood is exposed to decay. There is strong correlation between natural wood resistance to decay and the ability of wood to remain dry. If wood moisture is below 20 % there is less chance for fungus to infect the wood. Separate wood species are used in different applications, that are more or less exposed to moisture. The aim of the research was to lighten the moisture dynamics of wood outdoor and to check the suitability of different methods of moisture determination. The samples of selected wood species were exposed to outdoor weather conditions. We have used the gravimetric method to determine wood moisture of wood samples random and continuously. We have settled wood samples on narrow brackets and we have manually, weekly, determined their weight. Some of the samples were settled on automatic libra, which determined their weight every 50 seconds. We have also determined the moisture dynamic of wood samples in laboratory. We have determined the short term water uptake. We compared the results and discovered suitability of ranges among wood species. It figured out, that the results were conditionally comparable. At the beginning it became clear that there are some shortcomings of the continuously measuring method. There is the influence of some external factors, such as wind, trash, snails, bugs, snow, ice and water on the surface of the samples that affects results but the continuously measuring method does not recognize and eliminate them.

Keywords:wood moisture, short term uptake, wood moisture dynamics

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