
Povečanje vodoodbojnosti utrjenih filmov lanenega olja : diplomski projekt
ID Verbič, Žiga (Author), ID Petrič, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pavlič, Matjaž (Comentor), ID Poljanšek, Ida (Reviewer)

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Povečevanje hidrofobnosti površine lesa je bistvenega pomena za njegovo zaščito pred vremenskimi vplivi. S kombinacijo različnih materialov lahko učinek hidrofobnosti močno povečamo. V tem diplomskem delu so rezultati preizkušanja hidrofobnosti različnih utrjenih pripravkov, ki smo jih pripravili z mešanjem lanenega olja in spojin ali formulacij na osnovi silanov. Hidrofobnost zaščitnega filma smo določali z merjenjem kontaktnega kota vodne kapljice z avtomatskim goniometrom. Za doseganje vodoodbojnosti smrekovega lesa sta se najbolje obnesla komercialni pripravek Silles in raztopina oktadeciltriklorosilana (OTS) v heksanu. Zaščitna filma iz zmesi lanenega olja in OTS oziroma iz raztopine OTS v heksanu sta se izkazala za nekoliko slabša, vendar sta še vedno zagotavljala primerno zaščito pred sorpcijo vode. Poskus z zmesjo sredstva Silles in lanenega olja ni bil uspešen, saj se pripravka med seboj ne mešata in se emulzija, pripravljena z mešanjem, hitro loči na dve plasti.

Keywords:oktadeciltriklorosilan (OTS), heksan, Silles, laneno olje, vodoodbojnost, goniometer
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:Ž. Verbič
Number of pages:IX, 23 f., pril. cd-rom
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158853 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:2637449 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Increase of hydrophobicity of cured linseed oil : B. Sc. thesis
Increasing hydrophobicity of surfaces of wood is essential to protect wood against weather. With the combination of different materials, we can significantly increase the effect of hydrophobicity. In this report, there are the results of testing of hydrophobicity of various cured products, which were prepared by mixing the linseed oil and compounds or formulations based on silanes. The hydrophobicity of the coating film was determined by measuring the contact angle of water droplets with automatic goniometer. To achieve water-repellency of spruce wood, the best performance was provided by the commercial product Silles and by the solution of octadecyltrichlorosilane (OTS) in hexane. Protective films from a mixture of linseed oil and OTS and OTS in the hexane solution were proved to be slightly worse, but they still provided adequate protection against the sorption of water. An attempt with the mixture of Silles and linseed oil was not successful, because the formulations were not miscible and the prepared emulsion rapidly separated into two layers.

Keywords:octadecyltrichlorosilane (OTS), hexane, linseed oil, water-repellency, goniometer

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