
Fungicidne lastnosti termično modificirane slame : diplomski projekt
ID Mesarič, Marko (Author), ID Humar, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Thaler, Nejc (Comentor), ID Pohleven, Franc (Reviewer)

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Slama je naravni material, ki nastaja kot stranski produkt v kmetijstvu pri pridelavi žit. V preteklosti so jo pogosto uporabljali v gradbeništvu, predvsem za strešno kritino, za izdelavo ometov ali kot izolacijski material. Tako kot tradicionalni način gradnje pridobiva na pomenu tudi slama. Na lignocelulozne materiale vplivajo biotski in abiotski dejavniki razkroja. V zadnjem času poročajo o znatnem skrajšanju življenjske dobe slamnatih streh, zato iščemo rešitve za njihovo zaščito. Ena od možnih zaščit je tudi termična modifikacija, kar je predmet raziskave. Slamo smo tako termično modificirali po postopku začetnega vakuuma pri temperaturah med 170 °C in 210 °C. Iz modificirane slame smo nato pripravili manjše snopiče in jih izpostavili trem različnim lesnim glivam po modificiranem standardu SIST EN 113. Vzporedno smo določili tudi sorpcijske lastnosti modificirane slame. Ugotovili smo, da ima termična modifikacija podoben vpliv na slamo kot na les. Višja kot je bila namreč temperatura, manj intenziven je bil razkroj gliv. Podoben vpliv je opaziti pri sorpcijskih lastnostih. Vzorci, modificirani pri višjih temperaturah, so se pri istih klimatskih pogojih manj navlažili kot kontrolni vzorci. Z višanjem temperature modifikacije pa so se slami poslabšale mehanske lastnosti in slama je postajala vedno bolj krhka.

Keywords:slama, termična modifikacija, lesne glive, sorpcijske lastnosti
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Mesarič
Number of pages:IX, 25 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158774 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:2489993 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Fungicidal properties of thermally modified straw : B. Sc. thesis
Straw is a natural material, which is a by-product of cereal production in agriculture. It was often used in civil engineering, mainly as roof tile and also for the production of plaster or as insulation material. Nowadays the traditional ways of building are again gaining popularity and so the demand for straw has increased. In the same way as biotic and abiotic factors affect similar lignocellulosic materials, they also affect straw. These factors bring about various damages. In recent times, it is reported that thatched roofs are at stake when it comes to life expectancy, so solutions need to be found in order to provide their protection. One of the possible solutions is thermal modification, which is the subject of research in this article. Straw was thermally modified in vacuum at five temperatures between 170 °C and 210 °C. From the modified straw we prepared smaller wisps of straw and exposed them to three different sorts of wood-decay fungi according toa somewhat modified standard SIST EN 113. In parallel we also determined the sorption properties of the modified straw. We came to a conclusion that the thermal modification has a similar effect on straw as it has on wood. The higher the final temperature, the less intensive fungal colonisation. The similar effect was observed with sorption properties. Samples modified at higher temperatures were less moist at the same climatic conditions than the control unmodified specimens. While preparing the wisps of straw, some challenges with modified straw occurred. With the rising of the final temperature, the mechanical features of straw deteriorated, meaning that the straw was evermore brittle.

Keywords:straw, thermal modification, wood decay, sorption

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