
Legokocke kot učni pripomoček pri pouku geografije v osnovni šoli
ID Marn, Jakob (Author), ID Ilc Klun, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je preučiti, kako legokocke vplivajo na učno delo učencev, in iz legokock oblikovati učila, ki bodo primerna za pouk geografije. Uporaba legokock pozitivno vpliva na kognitivni razvoj, predvsem na krepitev ustvarjalnosti in zmožnost sledenja navodilom, organiziranost in načrtovanje, reševanje problemov ter razvoj prostorske inteligence. Legokocke omogočajo razvoj motoričnih spretnosti ter vplivajo na socialne in čustvene veščine (osredotočenost, potrpežljivost, samozavest, komunikacija, delo v skupini). Zaradi svoje priljubljenosti in raznovrstnosti gradnikov ponujajo številne priložnosti za vključevanje v pouk geografije. Iz njih lahko izdelamo konstrukcije, ki jih nato uporabimo kot učila. Znotraj naše raziskave smo oblikovali reliefne zemljevide Slovenije in celin, model višinskih rastlinskih pasov ter prikaze podeželskih in mestnih naselij. S pomočjo legokock smo demonstrirali gibanje litosferskih plošč, pretakanje vode na kraškem površju in pridobivanje polderjev. Uporabili smo jih za oblikovanje stolpčnih prikazov in klimogramov. Med učnimi urami, v okviru katerih smo uporabili legokocke, so učenci prikazali velik učni interes, bili so aktivni, motivirani in dobro delovali v skupini. V anketni raziskavi so poudarili, da se jim zdijo izdelane konstrukcije primerne za učenje in dober pripomoček za boljše razumevanje učnih vsebin. Ugotovitve naše raziskave kažejo, da so legokocke lahko vsestranski učni pripomoček, ki omogoča popestritev vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa.

Keywords:legokocke, pouk geografije, konstrukcijska igra, 3D-modeli, osnovna šola
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158724 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Lego Bricks as a Teaching Tool for Elementary School Geography
The main purpose of the Master's thesis is to examine how the Lego bricks affect students' work and to design a teaching tool suitable for Geography lessons. The use of Lego bricks has a positive impact on the cognitive development, in particular on enhancing creativity and ability to follow instructions, organising and planning, problem solving and development of spatial intelligence. The Lego bricks facilitate the development of motor skills, and have an impact on social and emotional skills (concentration, patience, self-confidence, communication, group work). Due to their popularity and variety of their building blocks, the Lego bricks offer a number of opportunities for integration into Geography lessons. Constructions can be made and then used as teaching materials. Within our research, we have created some relief maps of Slovenia and the continents, a model of vegetation altitude zones and illustrations of rural and urban settlements. We used the Lego bricks to demonstrate the movement of lithospheric plates, the flow of water on karst surfaces and the extraction of polders. They were used to create bar charts and climographs. During the lessons when the Lego bricks were used, the students showed great interest, they were active, motivated and worked well in a group. In the questionnaire survey they wrote that they found the constructions suitable for learning and a good tool for better understanding of the learning content. The findings of our research show that the Lego bricks can be a versatile learning tool to enrich the educational process.

Keywords:Lego bricks, Geography lessons, construction play, 3D-models, elementary school

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