
Orff-Schulwerk kot avtentičen pristop pri glasbenem poučevanju v tretjem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju osnovne šole : doktorska disertacija
ID Brdnik Juhart, Petra (Author), ID Sicherl-Kafol, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Avtentično glasbeno poučevanje temelji na glasbeni komunikaciji z dejavnostmi izvajanja, ustvarjanja in poslušanja glasbe ter je usmerjeno v spodbujanje celostnega razvoja učencev na področju afektivnega, kognitivnega in psihomotoričnega razvoja. Med različnimi koncepti avtentičnega glasbenega poučevanja, ki jih lahko primerjamo s smernicami slovenskega Učnega načrta za glasbeno vzgojo v osnovni šoli (2011), smo se v raziskavi osredinili na pristop glasbeno-gibalne vzgoje Orff-Schulwerk1 pri pouku glasbene umetnosti (v nadaljevanju GUM) v tretjem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju osnovne šole (v nadaljevanju 3. VIO OŠ). Na podlagi raziskovalnih ugotovitev smo proučili stanje glasbenega poučevanja v 3. VIO OŠ in predstavili učni model avtentičnega glasbenega poučevanja po pristopu Orff-Schulwerk. Pri interpretaciji rezultatov smo upoštevali teoretična izhodišča, ki vključujejo strategije vzgojo-izobraževalnega procesa, obstoječi učni načrt za pouk GUM v 3. VIO OŠ, koncept avtentičnega glasbenega poučevanja, identiteto glasbenega učitelja ter razvojno-psihološke vidike učencev v obdobju zgodnje adolescence. Izpostavili smo pomen avtentične glasbene izkušnje in okolja pri načrtovanju avtentičnega glasbenega pouka, ki temelji na glasbeni komunikaciji. V ta namen smo se opirali na pristop Orff-Schulwerk, ki ga odlikujejo avtentične glasbeno-gibalne dejavnosti, vključujoč instrumentalno, vokalno in gibalno improvizacijo ter ustvarjanje elementarnega gledališča. Empirični del doktorske disertacije je razdeljen na dva dela. V prvem delu raziskave ugotavljamo, v kolikšni meri se uresničujejo avtentični načini poučevanja GUM v 3. VIO OŠ in kakšna so stališča učiteljev do različnih vidikov glasbenega poučevanja. Podatke smo pridobili z avtorskim anketnim vprašalnikom, ki ga je izpolnil reprezentativni vzorec učiteljev. V drugem delu raziskave smo v dveh oddelkih devetega razreda osnovne šole izvedli evalvacijsko raziskavo in proučevali vplive modela avtentičnega glasbenega poučevanja po pristopu Orff-Schulwerk na uresničevanje ciljev Učnega načrta za glasbeno vzgojo (2011) v 3. VIO OŠ. Podatke smo zbrali s preizkusom znanja iz GUM, s skupinskim intervjujem in dnevniškimi zapisi učencev, z desetstopenjsko lestvico za spremljanje interesa učencev do pouka GUM, s prilagojenim II. Websterjevim testom za preverjanje ustvarjalnih glasbenih dosežkov učencev, s protokolom za formativno spremljanje učenčevega učnega napredka in doseganja ciljev, s sociogramom, z opazovalnim protokolom ter z anketnim vprašalnikom za učence. Rezultati prvega dela raziskave so potrdili prevlado tradicionalnega pouka v 3. VIO OŠ, ki ne spodbuja avtentičnega glasbenega udejstvovanja učencev. Ugotovili smo, da so med ključnimi omejitvami pomanjkljivi kurikularni in prostorski pogoji. V drugem delu smo preizkusili učinkovitost pristopa Orff-Schulwerk. Rezultati so pokazali, da pristop omogoča avtentično glasbeno poučevanje, pri čemer spodbuja interes učencev do pouka GUM in razvoj ustvarjalnosti, glasbene veščine in osebnostne kompetence učencev. V tem kontekstu smo izpostavili vlogo glasbenega učitelja pri empatičnem in rezilientnem usmerjanju učnega procesa posebej v obdobju 3. VIO OŠ. Na podlagi izsledkov sklepamo, da je avtentično glasbeno poučevanje z uporabo pristopa Orff-Schulwerk ključno za izboljšanje kakovosti glasbenega izobraževanja na različnih ravneh izobraževanja. Znanstveni prispevek raziskave zapolnjuje vrzel v slovenskem in mednarodnem prostoru z vidika spoznanj pomena avtentičnega glasbenega poučevanja za kakovostni pouk GUM. Raziskovalne ugotovitve prispevajo k nadgradnji obstoječega glasbenega poučevanja v splošnem šolstvu s smernicami za nadaljnje kurikularne posodobitve. Izzivi za nadaljnje raziskave vključujejo proučitev prednosti in pomanjkljivosti tradicionalnih ter odprtih učnih strategij za kakovostno in avtentično glasbeno poučevanje, kar prispeva k strokovnim podlagam za nadaljnjo kurikularno prenovo splošnega šolstva.

Keywords:Osnovnošolsko učenje in poučevanje, Glasba, glasbena umetnost, avtentično glasbeno poučevanje, pristop Orff-Schulwerk, tretje vzgojno-izobraževalno obdobje osnovne šole, zgodnje mladostništvo
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:P. Brdnik Juhart
Number of pages:XVI, 360 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158663 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:199998723 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Orff-Schulwerk as an authentic approach to music teaching in the third stage of basic education
Authentic music education is based on musical communication through the activities of performing, creating, and listening to music and aims to promote holistic development in the areas of affective, cognitive, and psychomotor development. Among the various concepts of authentic music teaching that can be compared with the guidelines of the Slovenian Curriculum for Music Education in Elementary School (2011), we focused our research on the Orff-Schulwerk2 approach to music and music education in the third stage of basic education. Based on the research results, we examined the state of music teaching the third stage of basic education and presented a teaching model of authentic music teaching according to the Orff-Schulwerk approach. In interpreting the results, we considered theoretical backgrounds, including pedagogical strategies, the existing curriculum for teaching music in the third stage of basic education, the concept of authentic music teaching, the identity of the music teacher, and the developmental aspects of students in early adolescence. We emphasised the importance of authentic musical experiences and environments for the design of authentic music teaching based on musical communication. To this end, we drew on the Orff-Schulwerk approach, which is characterised by authentic music and movement activities, including instrumental, vocal, and movement improvisations, as well as the creation of elemental theatre. The empirical part of the dissertation is divided into two parts. The first part of the study investigates the extent to which authentic forms of music teaching are realised in the third stage of basic education and the attitudes of teachers towards various aspects of music teaching. Data were collected using an original questionnaire completed by a representative sample of teachers. In the second part of the study, an evaluative study was conducted in two ninth grades of elementary schools to investigate the impact of the Orff-Schulwerk approach to authentic music teaching on the achievement of the goals of the Slovenian Curriculum for Music Education in Elementary School (2011). A written test, group interviews, and student diary entries, a ten-point scale to assess student interest in music lessons, a modified Webster test II to examine student creative musical performance, a protocol for formative monitoring of student progress and performance, a sociogram, an observation protocol, and a student questionnaire were used to collect data. The results of the first part of the study confirmed the dominance of traditional teaching in the third level of basic education, which does not promote authentic musical engagement of students. We found that key factors include inadequate curricular and spatial conditions. In the second part, we tested the effectiveness of the Orff-Schulwerk approach. The results of this part showed that the approach enables authentic music teaching, and arouses students' interest in music learning, and enhances their creativity, musical skills, and personal competencies. In this context, the role of the music teacher in providing empathetic and resilient support to the learning process was highlighted, especially in the third phase of basic education. The findings suggest that authentic music teaching, including the Orff-Schulwerk approach, is key to improving the quality of music teaching at different educational levels. The scientific contribution fills a gap in the Slovenian and international field in terms of knowledge about the importance of authentic music teaching for the quality of music teaching. The research results of the dissertation can contribute to the upgrading of existing music teaching in basic education by providing guidelines for further modernization of the curriculum. Challenges for further research include examining the strengths and weaknesses of traditional and open teaching strategies for quality and authentic music teaching, which would contribute to a professional foundation for further curriculum renewal in basic education.

Keywords:music teaching, authentic music teaching, Orff-Schulwerk approach, third level of basic education, early adolescence

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