
Oblikovanje in uravnoteženje ekonomskega sistema v brezplačnih mobilnih igrah : magistrsko delo
ID Trobec, Anja (Author), ID Grošelj, Jan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Akulov, Mykola (Comentor)

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Namen dela je bralca seznaniti z igralnimi mehanizmi, sistemi in orodji, potrebnimi za oblikovanje ekonomije igre in preverjanje njene uravnoteženosti. Bralcu predstavimo model brezplačnih iger in pojasnimo načine monetizacije, ki se v tem modelu uporabljajo. Predstavimo sistem težavnosti in ekonomski sistem v igri, katerih naloga je spodbujanje uporabnikovega vstopanja, vračanja in prinašanja dobička oblikovalcem preko monetizacijskih metod prisotnih v igri. Delo prikaže način za ustvarjanje ustreznega nivoja težavnosti za izbrano ciljno publiko, ki ga regulira z ekonomskim sistemom, natančneje z nadzorom pretoka virov in valut v igri. Za simuliranje napredovanja uporabnikov skozi igro in s tem preverjanje njene uravnoteženosti, oblikujemo in uporabimo simulator, s katerim se prepričamo o stabilnosti ekonomije. V delu predstavimo oblikovanje konkretne igre, glavnih sistemov v njej in kasneje stabilnost sistemov preverimo s simuliranjem. Uporaba simulatorja odgovori na številna odprta vprašanja, povezana s potekom igre, in pomaga oblikovalcem pri nadaljnem razvijanju igre in oblikovanju monetizacijskih priložnosti.

Keywords:monetizacija, virtualne valute, brezplačni model, ekonomski sistem, simulacije
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158658 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:197707779 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.06.2024
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Title:Designing and balancing the economic system in free-to-play mobile games
The purpose of this work is to familiarize the reader with the gaming mechanisms, systems, and tools necessary for designing the game economy and verifying its balance. We introduce the model of free-to-play games and explain the monetization methods used in this model. We present the difficulty system and the economic system in the game, whose task is to encourage user engagement, retention, and profit generation for developers through monetization methods present in the game. The work demonstrates a way to create an appropriate level of difficulty for the selected target audience, regulated by the economic system, specifically through the control of resource and currency flow in the game. To simulate user progression through the game and thus verify its balance, we design and utilize a simulator to ensure the stability of the economy. In the work, we present the design of a specific game, its main systems, and later verify the stability of the systems through simulation. The use of the simulator addresses numerous open questions, connected with game progression, and assists developers in further game development and monetization opportunities shaping.

Keywords:monetization, virtual currencies, free-to-play model, economic system, simulations

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