
Vprašanje meje med erotičnim in pornografskim ob romanih Pétra Nádasa Vzporedne zgodbe in Vinka Möderndorferja Pokrajina št. 2
ID Stražišar, Gašper (Author), ID Matajc, Vanesa (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Vprašanje meje med erotičnim in pornografskim ob romanih Pétra Nádasa Vzporedne zgodbe in Vinka Möderndorferja Pokrajina št. 2 Diplomsko delo se ukvarja z vprašanjem meje med erotičnim in pornografskim v literaturi. S pomočjo teoretskega okvirja vzpostavlja pogled na razvoj ljubezenske, erotične in pornografske literature. Nadalje obrazloži pomen žanra ter razvoj in značilnosti zgodovinskega ter kriminalnega romana. Vse našteto se namreč v hibridizirani obliki znajde v romanu Vzporedne zgodbe Pétra Nádasa in romanu Pokrajina št. 2 Vinka Möderndorferja. Oba avtorja v romanih ustvarjata hibridni žanr kriminalke in zgodovinskega romana, v katerega vgradita teme erotike, ljubezni, družbene kritike in vojne. S pomočjo intimne zgodbe likov in erotike omogočita bralcu, da spozna notranjost likov, ki se razkriva ob izvajanju spolnih aktov. Iz prizorov umikata vsakršno sled romantičnosti, telesnost pa prikažeta kot človeško nujo, brez čustvenih resonanc, pa naj gre za heteroseksualne ali homoseksualne odnose. Duša njunih likov namreč spregovori s pomočjo gole telesnosti. S slednjim se avtorja sprehajata po robu meje med erotičnim in pornografskim, vendar zaradi uporabe višjega jezikovnega registra, izbornih besed in nedirektnega opisovanja telesnosti oziroma izogibanja vulgarnosti ostajata v mejah erotične literature. Ob koncu ugotovimo, da bo meja med erotično in pornografsko literaturo sicer odvisna od interpretacije vsakega bralca posebej, vendar pripovedi zgodovinsko-kriminalnih zgodb v obeh romanih ne bi ustvarjali tako konkretne in natančne podobe, če dogajanja ne bi podpirali z erotičnimi prizori.

Keywords:erotična literatura, pornografija, Péter Nádas, Vinko Möderndorfer
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158648 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:199363075 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.06.2024
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Title:The Question of the Line between Erotic and Pornographic in Novels by Péter Nádas' Parallel Stories and Vinko Möderndorfer’s Landscape No. 2
The present thesis addresses the question on the line between erotic and pornographic literature. Using a theoretical framework, it looks at the development of romance, erotic, and pornographic literatures. Further on, the thesis explains the origin and development of the historical and the crime novel genre. All of these, though in hybrid forms, appear in novels Parallel Stories by Péter Nádas and Landscape No. 2 by Vinko Möderndorfer. In their works,both authors created a hybrid genre of a historical crime novel, while also addressing themes of eroticism, love, social criticism and war. Using intimate stories of characters and eroticism, the writers enable the reader to learn about the characters psyche, which is revealed during sexual acts. The scenes are stripped of romantic love, while physicality is depicted as a human need, without emotional resonances, in both heterosexual and homosexual relationships. The souls of characters speak through mere physicality. The writers thus walk on the fine line between eroticism and pornography but stay in the lane of erotic literature due to the use of a higher language register, elevated expressions, and indirect descriptions of physicality or avoidance of vulgarity. The final findings show that the line between erotic and pornographic literature depends on each individual reader’s interpretation, but storylines of the two historical-crime novels would not function as concretely and thoroughly had they not been supported by erotic scenes.

Keywords:erotic literature, pornography, Péter Nádas, Vinko Möderndorfer

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