
Pravna obravnava kriptosredstev, primerjalnopravna analiza svetovnih trendov z ozirom na regulacijo v ZDA : magistrsko diplomsko delo
ID Maletić, Nikša (Author), ID Zajc, Katarina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Regulacija kriptosredstev kot nove tehnologije je v svetu v zgodnji fazi, ko se regulatorji še seznanjajo s tehnologijo in njenimi učinki. Pristop k regulaciji je odvisen od stopnje ekonomskega razvoja v državi, predvsem razvitosti finančnih trgov, družbenih okoliščin, politične klime in odmevnejših dogodkov v industriji. Dve jurisdikciji, ki na svetovni ravni izstopata, sta Evropska unija in Združene države Amerike. Prva izstopa po učinku, ki ga ima na delo ostalih regulatorjev, slednja pa po učinku, ki ga imajo odločitve njihovih regulatorjev na kriptotrge. Namen tega dela je predstaviti pristope in odločitve regulatorjev po svetu v zvezi s kriptosredstvi s posebnim ozirom na regulacijo v ZDA. Analizirani so tako zakonodajni dokumenti kot tudi odločitve, priporočila in pravila regulatornih agencij ter odločitve sodišč v konkretnih primerih. Delo bo zastavilo hipotezo, da je regulacija v ZDA s sodbami v odmevnih primerih Tornado Cash in Grayscale primernejša in vplivnejša od regulacije v EU v luči nedavne (in še ne po-polnoma uporabljive) Uredbe o trgih kriptosredstev (Uredba (EU) 1114/2023). Za razumevanje učinkov regulacije bodo primeri različnih jurisdikcij po svetu slikovito prikazali raz-lične regulatorne postopke in ratio za njimi. Ker so kriptosredstva nova in relativno zapletena tematika, temu magistrskemu delu sledita še dve prilogi, v katerih je opisana zgodovina kriptosredstev in pogoste oblike kriptosredstev danes. Za bralce, ki niso seznanjeni s kriptom, se priporoča branje prilog pred začetkom bra-nja glavnega dela naloge. Kljub temu so v magistrskem delu za lažje razumevanje pojmi na kratko pojasnjeni tudi sproti v opombah, ko so prvič omenjeni.

Keywords:kriptosredstva – kriptovalute – kriptoregulacija – pravni sistem ZDA – primerjalnopravna analiza – Uredba 1114/2023 (EU) – Securities and Exchange Commission
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:N. Maletić
Number of pages:65 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158624 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:199558403 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Legal approach to cryptoassets, a comparative legal analysis of global trends with particular focus on regulation in the USA
Regulation of cryptoassets as a new technology is at its nascent stage globally, when the regulators are still adapting to the technology and its effects. The approach to cryptoregulation is determined by the level of economic development in the country, in particular of its financial markets, social circumstances, political climate and high-profile developments in the industry. Two jurisdictions stand out in this regard – European Union and USA. The former stands out in terms of impact it has on other regulators' activity, the latter on the effect their regulators' decisions have on the whole cryptoindustry. The purpose of this thesis is the presentation of regulators' approaches and decisions in relation to crypto-assets, with a particular focus on regulation in the USA. It analyses legislative documents as well as decisions, recommendations and rules of regulatory agencies and court decisions in specific cases. This thesis will hypothesise that regulation in the USA, with the high-profile rulings like Tornado Cash and Grayscale, is more appropriate and influential than regulation in the EU in light of the recent (and not yet fully applicable) Regulation on markets in cryptoassets (Regulation (EU) 1114/2023). To understand the effects of regulation, examples from different jurisdictions around the world will illustrate the different regulatory approaches and the ratio behind them. As cryptoassets are new and relatively complex topic, this Thesis is followed by two appendices describing the history of cryptoassets and common forms of cryptoassets today. For readers who are unfamiliar with crypto, it is recommended to read the appendices before starting the main part of the thesis. However, for easier understanding, terms are briefly explained in the footnotes, when they are first mentioned in the text.

Keywords:cryptoassets – cryptocurrencies – cryptoregulation – US legal system – comparative legal analysis – Regulation (EU) 1114/2023 – Securities and Exchange Commission

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