
Telefon – naš prijatelj ali sovražnik?
ID Terbovšek, Teja (Author), ID Gril, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu sem raziskovala vpliv tehnologije, telefona in socialnih omrežij na mlade. Hiter tehnološki razvoj je poleg veliko prednosti prinesel tudi slabosti. Oba vidika sem podrobneje raziskala tudi v svojem magistrskem delu. Glavni problem, ki sem ga raziskovala, je prekomerna raba telefona med mladimi. Magistrsko delo sestavljajo trije glavni deli: teoretični del, metodologija in rezultati raziskave. V teoretičnem uvodu predstavim glavne teoretska izhodišča in najnovejše raziskave na temo uporabe tehnologije, telefona in socialnih omrežij med osnovnošolci, srednješolci in študenti, ki zaključujejo svoje stopnjo izobraževanja. Podrobno predstavim pomembnost prostega časa v življenju mladih, značilnosti mladostništva, duševno zdravje v povezavi s telefonom, prekomerno rabo in odvisnost. Za konec pa vse teme povežem s stroko socialnega dela. Izvedla sem kvalitativno raziskavo, v kateri sem poskušala odgovoriti na prej zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja. Raziskavo sem izvedla na priročnem vzorcu 15-ih mladih, ki zaključujejo svojo stopnjo izobraževanja. Z njimi sem izvedla individualne intervjuje, kjer so odgovarjali na vnaprej pripravljena vprašanja, po potrebi sem jim zastavila še podvprašanja. Rezultati so pokazali, da so mladi v povprečju na telefonu 4,9 ur dnevno, kar presega zastavljene smernice strokovnjakov. Mladostniki so poročali, da se njihovo razpoloženje ob dolgotrajni uporabi običajno poslabša. Prav tako so opazili negativen vpliv socialnih omrežij na svojo samopodobo in odnose s starši. Odsotnost telefona pri mladih sproži nelagodne občutke. Mnenja mladih glede pristnosti odvisnosti v njihovem življenju so bila deljena.

Keywords:mladi, tehnologija, socialna omrežja, počutje, prekomerna raba telefona, vpliv na vsakdanje življenje, samopodoba, duševno zdravje.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158573 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Phone – our friend or enemy?
In my master's thesis, I explored the impact of technology, smartphones, and social media on young people. The rapid technological development has brought along not only numerous advantages but also drawbacks. Both aspects were thoroughly examined in my thesis. The main issue I investigated was the excessive use of smartphones among youth. The master's thesis consists of three main parts: theoretical framework, methodology, and research results. In the theoretical introduction, I present the main theoretical foundations and the latest research on the use of technology, smartphones, and social media among primary, secondary, and tertiary education students. I extensively discuss the importance of leisure time in the lives of young people, characteristics of adolescence, theories related to social media, mental health in relation to smartphones, excessive use, and addiction. Finally, I tie everything together with the field of social work. I conducted a qualitative research study aiming to address the previously formulated research questions. I conducted a study on a convenience sample of 15 young individuals who are completing their level of education. I conducted individual interviews with them, where they answered pre-prepared questions, and I asked them follow-up questions if needed. The results showed that young people spend an average of 4.9 hours per day on their phones, exceeding expert guidelines. Adolescents reported that their mood typically worsens with prolonged phone use. They also noticed the impact of social media on their self-esteem and relationships with parents. The absence of a phone triggers discomfort among youth. Views on the authenticity of addiction in their lives were divided.

Keywords:youth, technology, social media, well-being, excessive smartphone use, impact on daily life, self-esteem, mental health.

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