
Vloga in pomen Mycoplasme canis v patogenezi plodnostnih motenj in urogenitalnih obolenj psov
ID Suhadolc Scholten, Sara (Author), ID Tozon, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen doktorske naloge je bil razjasniti pomembnost okužbe z M. canis pri psih v patogenezi obolenj sečil in spolovil in z njimi povezanih plodnostnih motenj. V klinično študijo smo vključili 52 psov, od tega 7 psov z znaki obolenj sečil in spolovil, 14 psov s kliničnimi znaki plodnostnih motenj in 31 psov brez kliničnih znakov okužbe. Povzročitelja smo dokazovali s pomočjo PCR (angl. polymerase chain reaction) metode v vaginalnih in prepucialnih brisih psov. Analizo sestave celotne bakterijske raznovrstnosti v vzorcih brisov smo nadgradili z metagenomskim pristopom. Prisotnost specifičnih protiteles smo ugotavljali z metodo DIBA (angl. dot immunobinding assay) in rezultate potrdili z metodo po Westernu. Pri pacientih smo poleg kliničnih znakov bolezni ugotavljali odstopanja v hematoloških in izbranih biokemijskih parametrih v krvi, odstopanja v analizi urina ter specifičnih parametrih analize plodnostnih motenj in skupine medsebojno primerjali. Z metodo PCR smo M. canis dokazali pri 3/7 (43 %) pacientov z obolenji sečil in spolovil, pri 6/14 (43 %) pacientih s plodnostnimi motnjami in pri značilno nižjem deležu 6/31 (19 %) zdravih psov iz kontrolne skupine. Z metagenomsko analizo bakterijske sestave med skupinami nismo ugotovili značilnih razlik. Prisotnost specifičnih protiteles na vsaj 1 od 5 izbranih sevov smo z metodo DIBA ugotovili pri 54/55 (98 %) vseh vzorcev. Pri vseh pacientih, razen pri 2 iz kontrolne skupine, smo zabeležili reakcijo na sev M. canis Larissa. Specifičnost reakcije smo potrdili z metodo po Westernu. Rezultati doktorske naloge so nam v pomoč pri izboru ustreznih diagnostičnih metod, planu zdravljenja in spremljanju odgovora nanj pri pacientih s ponavljajočimi se vnetnimi obolenji sečil in spolovil ali plodnostnimi motnjami. Serološki presejalni testi so smiselni, vsaj pri pacientih s plodnostnimi motnjami. Za dokaz okužbe pa je najprimernejša uporaba specifčne metode PCR za dokazovanje M. canis.

Keywords:bolezni psov, okužbe z mikoplazmo – diagnostika – izolacija in čiščenje, moške urogenitalne bolezni – veterinarske, ženske urogenitalne bolezni – veterinarske, metagenomika, serološki testi, kemične analize krvi, verižna reakcija s polimerazo, psi
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Organization:VF - Veterinary Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158526 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The role of Mycoplasma canis in the pathogenesis of infertility and urogenital diseases in dogs
The aim of this dissertation was to investigate the role of M. canis infection in dogs with urogenital diseases and with fertility problems. The clinical study included 52 dogs; 7 dogs with urogenital disease symptoms, 14 dogs with fertility problems, and 31 healthy dogs. The pathogen was detected by PCR (polymerase chain reaction) method on vaginal and preputial swabs. Swab samples were analysed to determine the full bacterial spectrum, and these analyses were extended by metagenomic analysis. The presence of antibodies was tested by the Dot-immunobinding assay (DIBA) method, while the results were confirmed by the Western Blot method. In addition to clinical signs, we looked for abnormalities in haematological and biochemical parameters in blood, urinalysis, and specific parameters of fertility disorders, and compared the groups with each other. M. canis was detected by PCR method in 3/7 (43 %) patients with urogenital disorders, in 6/14 (43 %) patients with fertility disorders, and in a statistically significantly lower proportion of healthy dogs in the control group (6/31, 19 %). Metagenomic analysis of bacterial composition showed no significant differences between the groups. The DIBA method showed the presence of specific antibodies against at least one of the five selected strains in 54/55 samples (98 %). With all patients, except two from the control group, we detected a reaction to the M. canis Larissa strain. The results of the DIBA test were confirmed by the Western Blot method. The results of the thesis will help us to select appropriate diagnostic methods and treatment plan and to monitor the response to treatment in canine patients with chronic urinary tract diseases or fertility disorders. The results show that serological screening tests are useful at least for patients with fertility disorders. The specific PCR method is the most suitable for the detection of M. canis infections.

Keywords:dog diseases, mycoplasma infections – diagnosis – isolation and purification, male urogenital diseases – veterinary, female urogenital diseases – veterinary, metagenomics, serologic tests, blood chemical analysis, Polymerase chain reaction, dogs

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