
Učinkovitost izolacije cianobakterijske DNA iz čistih kultur in okoljskih vzorcev
ID Mavrek, Nikolaj (Author), ID Eleršek, Tina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Poskusili smo vzpostaviti kvantitativno metodo, s katero bi lahko številčno ovrednotili prisotne cianobakterije v okoljskih vzorcih. Ker izolacije DNA izvajamo s komercialnimi kompleti, je bilo potrebno ovrednotiti učinkovitost izolacije posameznega kompleta. Zato smo uporabili čiste kulture in okoljske vzorce. Čiste kulture smo gojili v gojiščih brez fosfatov, kjer smo želeli preiskovane cianobakterije vzpodbuditi k porabi lastnega genetskega materiala kot vira fosfata. Slednje bi rezultiralo v monoploidnem stanju, v katerem bi lahko na osnovi preštetih celic in izolirane DNA izračunali učinkovitost izolacije. Pri okoljskih vzorcih smo uporabili umetno sestavljeno sekvenco DNA, ki je ne najdemo v naših vzorcih, ki smo jo dodali ali pred ali po izolaciji DNA ter s primerjavo rezultatov qPCR preverjali učinkovitost izolacije DNA. Pridobljeni rezultati so pokazali, da imamo višjo inhibicijo qPCR pri bolj koncentriranih vzorcih čistih kultur. S komercialnim kompletom za izolacijo biofilmskih okoljskih vzorcev smo dosegli zadovoljive rezultate, učinkovitost izolacije je bila med 17 in 43 %. Za določitev učinkovitosti izolacije s komercialnim kompletom za planktonske vzorce bi bilo potrebno eksperimente ponoviti, saj smo dobili izjemen raztros rezultatov. Učinkovitost izolacije DNA iz čiste kulture cianobakterije rodu Synechococcus je bila približno 46 %, iz čiste kulture cianobakterije Anabaena 0,2 %, iz planktonskih okoljskih vzorcev pa do 2,1 %.

Keywords:cianobakterije, izolacija DNA, učinkovitost, čiste kulture, okoljski vzorci, qPCR
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[N. Mavrek]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158525 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:199102211 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Efficiency of cyanobacterial DNA isolation from pure cultures and environmental samples
We attempted to establish a quantitative method to quantify the presence of cyanobacteria in environmental samples. As DNA isolations are performed with commercial kits, it was necessary to evaluate the isolation efficiency of each kit. Therefore, pure cultures and environmental samples were used. The pure cultures were grown in phosphate-free media, where it was meant to consume their own genetic material as a source of phosphate. The latter would result in monoploidy in which the isolation efficiency could be calculated based on cell counts and isolated DNA. For the environmental samples, we used an artificially designed DNA sequence not found in our samples, which was added either before or after DNA isolation, and checked the efficiency of DNA isolation by comparing the qPCR results. The results showed we have higher qPCR inhibition in concentrated samples of pure cultures. With the commercial kit for biofilm isolation, we obtained sufficient results, with isolation efficiencies ranging between 17 and 43%. To determine the isolation efficiency with a commercial kit for planktonic samples, the experiments would need to be repeated as we obtained a remarkable scatter of results. The DNA isolation efficiency from pure culture Synechococcus was approximately 46%, from pure culture Anabaena 0,2% and from planktonic environmental samples up to 2,1%.

Keywords:cyanobacteria, DNA isolation, efficiency, pure cultures, environmental samples, qPCR

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