
Echoes of tomorrow
ID Lašič Jurković, Tamara (Editor in chief), ID Kobal, Žan (Editor), ID Predan, Barbara (Editor)

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The aim of this scientific monograph is to draw attention to the interconnectedness of everything around us, including through design. In doing so, it challenges the role of consumption as the overarching principle of modern life. Crucially, consumption—consumerism—is understood here to mean not just shopping and generation of waste, but the strategy employed to shape how humans think, feel and assign value. The texts thus develop critical thought, arguing for the necessity of seeking the means for our survival outside the established socio-political system, which is still largely driven by the dictates of capital, with the idea of continuous progress seen as the natural order of things. They advocate a new perspective in which design is seen as a creative and intellectual activity that is not reduced to merely solving, with varying degrees of success, various technical issues and satisfying client requirements. Design of the future needs to be self-reflective, interdisciplinary, participatory and responsible towards humans and the environment, as well as holding up a critical mirror to our needs and desires. The monograph highlights the need to see, in design, the potential and capability to change the world (for the better) and encourage human emancipatory self-positioning in it. From a review by dr. Simona Žvanut

Keywords:trajnost, razstavni projekti, pitna voda, študentski projekti, študije primerov
Work type:Other
Typology:2.01 - Scientific Monograph
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:Založba Univerze, = University of Ljubljana Press
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (257 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158445 This link opens in a new window
DOI:10.51938/9789612973124 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:191535875 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Odmevi jutrišnjega dne
Znanstvena monografija opozarja na povezanost vsega, kar nas obdaja, tudi skozi oblikovanje. Zoperstavlja se potrošnji kot osrednjemu principu sodobnega življenja, pri čemer je ključno razumeti, da ne gre le za nakupovanje in ustvarjanje smeti, temveč za potrošnjo kot strategijo ukalupljanja človekovega mišljenja, čustvovanja in vrednotenja. Besedila tako razvijajo kritično misel in zagovarjajo nujnost iskanja rešitev za naše preživetje zunaj ustaljenega družbenopolitičnega sistema, ki ga še vedno prvenstveno usmerjata diktat kapitala in ideja neprestanega napredka kot edinega naravnega reda stvari. Utemeljujejo potrebo po novem pogledu na oblikovanje kot ustvarjalni in intelektualni dejavnosti, ki ni reducirano na bolj ali manj uspešno reševanje tehničnih vprašanj ali zadovoljevanje naročnikovih zahtev. Oblikovanje prihodnosti mora biti samorefleksivno, interdisciplinarno, participatorno, odgovorno do človeka in okolja ter kritično zrcalo našim potrebam in željam. Znanstvena monografija izpostavlja nujnost, da v oblikovanju vidimo potencial in zmožnost spreminjanja sveta (na bolje) ter spodbujanja človekovega emancipatornega samoumeščanja v njem. Iz recenzije dr. Simone Žvanut

Keywords:sustainability, exhibition projects, drinking water, student projects, case studies


Funder:ARRS - Slovenian Research Agency
Project number:P5-0452
Name:Vizualna pismenost

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