
Telesna dejavnost v obdobju nosečnosti : magistrsko delo
ID Karamatič, Laura (Author), ID Videmšek, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šuštaršič, Ana (Comentor)

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Namen magistrskega dela je predstaviti pomen telesne dejavnosti v nosečnosti in značilnosti telesne dejavnosti nosečnic glede na njihovo ukvarjanje s športom pred nosečnostjo, teoretično in praktično predstaviti pomen varne vadbe ter podati številne koristne nasvete in ideje, kako vadbo organizirati na strokoven, pester in zanimiv način. V prvem delu so predstavljene spremembe, ki se v ženskem telesu pojavijo v obdobju nosečnosti. Govorimo o hormonskih in prebavnih spremembah, spremembah srčno-žilnega, respiratornega in mišično-skeletnega sistema ter psiholoških in čustvenih spremembah. Nato so opisana vsa pogosta nelagodja in težave, ki lahko prizadenejo nosečnico, kot so utrujenost, motnje spanja, gastrointestinalne težave, bruhanje in slabost, bolečine mišično-skeletnega sistema ter diastaza rektusov. V nadaljevanju so predstavljene koristi izvajanja telesne dejavnosti med nosečnostjo ter ključne prilagoditve in varnostni ukrepi pri telesno aktivnih nosečnicah. Na koncu uvodnega dela smo predstavili pomen pravilne prehrane med nosečnostjo, ki poleg telesne aktivnosti pripomore k zdravemu poteku nosečnosti in zdravem poporodnem obdobju. Opredeljene so posebnosti prehrane nosečnic, kot so spremembe v vnosu makro in mikrohranil, energijskih potrebah, uživanju škodljivih snovi in varnosti hrane ter posebnosti prehrane telesno aktivnih nosečnic. Drugi del vsebuje praktičen prikaz varne vadbe, in sicer so podrobno opisani vadbeni pripomočki, predstavljen je tudi sklop vaj, ki jih lahko nosečnica izvaja z določenim pripomočkom oziroma z lastno maso. V tem sklopu so vključeni tudi konkretni primeri vadbenih enot, s katerimi si lahko nosečnica pomaga pri sestavljanju vadbenega programa.

Keywords:telesna dejavnost, nosečnost, varna vadba, priporočila, vadba v nosečnosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158282 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:200743683 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Physical activity during pregnancy
The purpose of this master's thesis is to present the importance of physical activity in pregnancy, as well as the characteristics of pregnant women's physical activity in relation to their participation in sports before pregnancy, to theoretically and practically present the importance of safe exercise, and to provide many useful tips and ideas on how to organize exercise in a professional, varied, and interesting manner. The first part addresses the changes that occur in the female body during pregnancy. We are talking about hormonal and digestive changes, changes in the cardiovascular, respiratory and musculoskeletal systems, as well as psychological and emotional changes. Then, all of the common discomforts and problems that a pregnant woman may experience are described, including fatigue, sleep disorders, gastrointestinal issues, vomiting and nausea, musculoskeletal pain, and diastasis recti. The following section discusses the advantages of physical activity during pregnancy, as well as important adaptations and safety precautions for physically active pregnant women. At the end of the introductory section, we looked at the importance of proper nutrition during pregnancy, which, like physical activity, contributes to a healthy pregnancy and postpartum period. Pregnant women's dietary peculiarities are defined, such as changes in macro and micronutrient intake, energy needs, harmful substance consumption, food safety, and the specifics of the diet of physically active pregnant women. The second part includes a practical demonstration of safe exercise, in which exercise aids are described in detail and a series of exercises that a pregnant woman can perform with specific equipment or her body weight. This section also includes concrete examples of exercise units that a pregnant woman can use to assist herself in developing a workout program.

Keywords:physical activity, pregnancy, safe exercise, recommendations, exercise during pregnancy

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