
Demografski in psihološki dejavniki udeležbe na presejalnih programih za zgodnje odkrivanje predrakavih in rakavih obolenj : magistrsko delo
ID Novak, Nika (Author), ID Zager Kocjan, Gaja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pri udeležbi na presejalnih programih za zgodnje odkrivanje (pred)rakavih sprememb pomembno prispevajo številni demografski in psihološki dejavniki. S pomočjo Firthove logistične regresije smo preučevali, kateri demografski (spol, SES, zakonski stan, izobrazba, poklicni status, kraj bivanja) in psihološki (subjektivno splošno zdravstveno stanje, zaznano tveganje za rakavo bolezen, zaskrbljenost zaradi raka, zdravstvena anksioznost, zaznana zdravstvena samoučinkovitost) dejavniki pomembno prispevajo k udeležbi na slovenskih presejalnih programih (ZORA, DORA, SVIT). V raziskavi je sodelovalo 640 oseb (M = 44,6 let, SD = 15,3). 504 (M = 39,7 let, SD = 13,0) udeležencev_ek je bilo vključenih v podvzorec ZORA, 172 (M = 59,1 let, SD = 5,3) v podvzorec DORA in 234 (M = 60,2, SD = 6,3) v podvzorec SVIT. Vsi so izpolnili spletno anketo z vprašanji o demografskih podatkih ter o pretekli in prihodnji udeležbi na presejalnih programih. Izpolnili so vprašalnike o zaznani zdravstveni samoučikovitosti, zdravstveni anksioznosti, zaskrbljenosti zaradi raka in odgovorili na vprašanja o subjektivnem zdravstvenem stanju in zaznani verjetnosti za rakavo obolenje. Rezultati so pokazali, da k udeležbi na vseh treh programih pomembno prispeva upokojen poklicni status, k sodelovanju na Programu DORA in SVIT pa višja zdravstvena anksioznost. K udeležbi na Programu DORA prispeva tudi nižja zaznana zdravstvena samoučinkovitost, na Programu ZORA pa višja izobrazba ter to, da je oseba poročena. Udeleženci_ke kot najpogostejše spodbujevalne dejavnike udeležbe navajajo prednosti pregleda, negativne posledice zaradi neudeležbe in vabilo na pregled. Večina udeležencev_ek je poročala, da jih noben dejavnik ne ovira pri udeležbi. Kljub temu jih je pri vseh treh programih največ poročalo o pomanjkanju časa in strahu pred morebitno diagnozo rakavega obolenja. Pri DORI je izstopal način pregleda, pri ZORI sram in neudobje, pri SVITU pa pomanjkanje časa. Povzamemo lahko, da k udeležbi na slovenskih presejalnih programih pomembno prispevajo tako demografski kot tudi psihološki in drugi praktični dejavniki.

Keywords:presejalni programi, rakavo obolenje, udeležba, demografski dejavniki, psihološki dejavniki
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Novak]
Number of pages:81 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158272 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:198091011 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Demographic and psychological factors of participation in Slovenian cancer screening programs
Numerous demographic and psychological factors play a vital role in participation in cancer screening programs. Using Firth’s logistic regression, we examined which demographic (gender, SES, marital and occupational status, education, place of residence) and psychological (subjective health status, perceived cancer risk, cancer worry, health anxiety, perceived health self-efficacy) factors significantly contribute to attendance in Slovenian cancer screening programs (ZORA, DORA, SVIT). 640 individuals participated in the study (M = 44.6 years, SD = 15.3). 504 (M = 39.7 years, SD = 13.0) of them were included in the ZORA subsample, 172 (M = 59.1 years, SD = 5.3) in the DORA subsample, and 234 (M = 60.2 years, SD = 6.3) in the SVIT subsample. Participants completed a web survey, answering questions about past participation and future intention of participation in cancer screening programs, as well as demographic questions. They also completed questionnaires about perceived health self-efficacy, health anxiety, cancer worry, and responded to questions about subjective health status and perceived risk of specific cancer. The results showed that being retired significantly contributes to participation in all the programs, while higher health anxiety contributes to participation in DORA and SVIT Programs. Lower perceived health self-efficacy contributes to attendance in DORA Program, while high education and being married contribute to regular participation in ZORA Program. Benefits of screening, negative consequences, and invitation to screening are most common motivating factors for attendance. Most participants reported no barriers to participation. However, some expressed that time constraints and fear of cancer diagnosis prevent them from regular attendance on all the programs, while method concerns are a barrier for regular mammography. Additionally, in the ZORA Program shame and discomfort stood out, and in SVIT lack of time. In summary, both demographic and psychological factors contribute to participation in Slovenian cancer screening programs.

Keywords:cancer screening, cancer, participation, demographic characteristics, psychological factors

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