
Aktivacija mišic trupa in kolka zdravih odraslih oseb med izvajanjem izbranih jogijskih položajev - pregled literature : diplomsko delo
ID Štrumbelj Drusany, Katrina (Author), ID Jakovljević, Miroljub (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Petrič, Maja (Comentor), ID Vauhnik, Renata (Reviewer)

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MD5: BC5604D2E5CF249EE1A5A6D9EA85C268

Uvod: Joga je starodavna disciplina, ki združuje položaje joge z dihalnimi tehnikami in meditacijo. Z izvajanjem položajev (asan) joga uravnava telesno in duševno ravnovesje posameznika. Nadzorovani, postopni prehodi med asanami lahko pripomorejo k izboljšanju telesne drže, zmanjševanju mišičnega neravnovesja, spodbujanju mehanizmov nadzora drže, povečanju sklepne gibljivosti, mišične zmogljivosti in koordinacije. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil na podlagi pregleda literature predstaviti vzorce mišične aktivacije izbranih mišic trupa in kolčnega sklepa pri določenih jogijskih položajih zdravih odraslih ter oceniti ustreznost uporabe položajev v rehabilitacijskih programih. Metode dela: Pregled literature je bil opravljen v elektronski podatkovni zbirki PubMed. Izbrane so bile raziskave v angleškem jeziku, v katerih so z uporabo površinske elektromiografije ocenjevali aktivacijo mišic trupa in kolčnega sklepa med izvajanjem določenih položajev joge. Rezultati: V pregled literature je bilo vključenih pet raziskav, pri katerih smo pri pregledu literature rezultate meritev mišične aktivacije glede na doseženi % maksimalne hotene izometrične kontrakcije ločili na nizko, zmerno, visoko oziroma zelo visoko mišično aktivacijo. Med izvajanjem položaja kobra je bila aktivacija m. gluteus maximus (20,4–41,0 %), m. obliquus externus abdominis (29,0 %), m. longissimus thoracis (34,0 %) zmerna, enako velja za aktivacijo m. erector spinae (32,0–38,6 %) v položaju stol. Mišična aktivacija m. rectus abdominis (23,0–30,6 %) med položajem deska je bila zmerna, medtem ko je bila aktivacija m. obliquus externus et internus abdominis (44,5–78,0 %) visoka. Vrednosti mišične aktivacije vseh opazovanih mišic so bile v položaju strešica nizke (< 20 %), podobno se je pri vseh opazovanih položajih izkazalo za aktivacijo m. gluteus medius (7,7–12,3 %). Rezultati izvajanja bojevnika II so pokazali visoko aktivacijo m. gluteus maximus (39,0–67,0 %) in zmerno aktivacijo m. erector spinae (21,0–24,9 %). Razprava in zaključek: Izvajanje določenih jogijskih položajev je glede na mišično aktivacijo smiselno vključiti v programe fizioterapije z namenom pridobivanja mišične sile in vzdržljivosti mišic trupa in kolka. V prihodnje je potrebnih več randomiziranih kontroliranih raziskav z večjim vzorcem, podrobnejšo analizo biomehanike gibanja, preučevanjem razlik med spoloma in med izkušenimi ter neizkušenimi preiskovanci kot tudi pri različnih patologijah in poškodbah.

Keywords:diplomska dela, fizioterapija, joga, asana, mišična sila, mišična vzdržljivost, mišice kolka
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Štrumbelj Drusany]
Number of pages:28 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158250 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:197339395 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.05.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Trunk and hip muscle activation in healthy adults while performing selected yoga postures - literature review : diploma work
Introduction: Yoga is an extensive science that includes many asanas or physical exercises, breathing exercises, meditation, and mindfulness. Yoga poses or exercises are one of the eight components of a broader discipline that target the overall well-being of a person. Co-ordinated, rhythmical activities during yoga asanas result in correction of postural deviations, and muscle imbalance, increase in joint mobility and muscle strength, stimulation of postural control mechanisms, joint flexibility, muscle strength and coordination. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma thesis was to present patterns of muscle activation in selected trunk and hip muscles during specific yoga poses in healthy adults and to assess the use of these positions in rehabilitation programs. Methods: The literature review was executed in the PubMed electronic database. We reviewed scientific research in English, in which they used surface electromyography to assess muscle activation in various participants during the execution of yoga postures. Results: Five studies were selected for the literature review where we differentiated muscle activation results according to achieved percentages of maximum voluntary isometric contraction into low, moderate, high, or very high muscle activation. During the execution of the cobra position, activation of m. gluteus maximus was moderate (20,4–41,0 %), m. obliquus externus abdominis was (29,0 %), m. longissimus thoracis was (34,0 %), and m. erector spinae showed moderate activation (32,0–38,6 %) in the sitting position. The muscle activation of m. rectus abdominis (23,0–30,6 %) during the plank position was moderate, while the activation of m. obliquus externus et internus abdominis (44,5–78,0 %) was high. The values of muscle activation for all observed muscles in the bridge position were low (< 20 %), and the same was found for the activation of m. gluteus medius (7,7–12,3 %) in all observed positions. Results from the warrior II pose showed high activation of the gluteus maximus muscle (39,0–67,0 %) and moderate activation of m. erector spinae (21,0–24,9 %). Discussion and conclusion: Implementing specific yoga postures, based on muscle activation, is meaningful in rehabilitation programs aimed at gaining muscle strength and endurance in trunk and hip muscles. Future research should involve more randomized controlled trials with larger samples, a detailed analysis of biomechanics, and an examination of differences between genders and experienced and inexperienced participants, as well as consideration of various pathologies and injuries.

Keywords:diploma theses, physiotherapy, yoga, asana, muscle strength, muscle endurance, hip muscles

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