Introduction: Dementia is a progressive neurological disorder that causes a decline in cognitive functions, including memory, thinking, judgment, and speech. This can
significantly impact the quality of life and the ability to live independently, leading to great distress for both the patient and their loved ones. Fear of dementia is becoming increasingly prevalent, with one of the main reasons being the aging population and the consequent increased risk of developing this disease. Nurses play a key role in identifying, managing, and supporting people with dementia and the fear of this disease. They are crucial in
providing information and education about dementia, recognizing early signs, and offering psychological support to patients and their families. Purpose: This diploma work explores the fear of dementia, its causes and consequences and the role of nurses in identifying and preventing the fear of dementia. Methods: A decriptive research method was employed. Literature on the fear of dementia published between February 2014 and February 2024 was reviewd. The CINAHL Ultiamte and Medline databases were used. English keywords such as »fear of dementia«, »dementia and anxiety« and »dementia-worry« were utilized fort he search. A total of 1657 records were identified, and considering all exclusion and inclusion cirteria, 25 sources were selected for further analysis. Results: Dementia is a complex
syndrome that affects memory, thinking, behavior, and the ability to perform daily activites. Fear of dementia is common and understandable, as this complex syndrome can bring about significant changes in an individual's life and that of their loved ones. Many fear the loss of memory, cognitive abilities, and independence, leading to feelings of helplessness and anxiety. However, it is important to emphasize that early detection, education about
dementia, and timely seeking of help and support can significantly reduce fear. With proper support and awareness, people can overcome the fear of dementia and face the challenges it bring. Discussion and conclusion: Fear of dementia is a complex and multidimensional
problem that manifests in various ways. The increasing number of people suffering from dementia due to the aging population understandably causes concern. This fear negatively affects the mental and physical health of individuals, with differences in the level of fear based on gender, age, education and family experiences with dementia. Depression, anxiety and perciev memory decline are associated with increased fear of dementia. It is important
to differentiate between concern for dementia and perceived risk and to adopt strategies such as education, psychological support, lifestyle changes and early diagnosis to reduce fear of dementia. These approaches can improve the quality of life for all, which is crucial for managing the challenges associated with this disease.