
Vpliv dolgotrajne alergije na hrano na prehransko stanje otrok
ID Poredoš, Tomaž (Author), ID Avčin, Tadej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen naše raziskave je bil ovrednotiti vnos hranil in stanje rasti otrok z alergijami na hrano ter jih primerjati s kontrolno skupino otrok brez alergije na hrano. Opravili smo retrospektivno kohortno raziskavo z longitudinalnim spremljanjem v povprečnem trajanju 4,85 ± 2,79 let. Vključevali smo jih ob rednih obiskih v alergološki ambulanti na Pediatrični kliniki Univerzitetnega kliničnega centra Ljubljana. Starše ali skrbnike smo prosili, da s seboj prinesejo ustrezno izpolnjen tridnevni prehranski dnevnik, opravili smo tudi analizo krvi. Pri vseh otrocih so bile opravljene antropometrične meritve, ovrednotenje vnosa hranil in energije. Vključili smo le bolnike z eno prehransko alergijo (kravje mleko, jajca ali arašide) in njihove vrstnike brez prehranskih alergij. Iz podatkov našega retrospektivnega spremljanja smo dokazali, da alergija na kravje mleko, jajca ali arašide ni vplivala na rast otrok. Bolniki v opazovalnih skupinah so rasli podobno kot zdravi sovrstniki. Od postavitve diagnoze do vključitve v raziskavo smo opažali izboljšanje z vrednosti telesne višine za starost in z vrednosti telesne mase za starost (p<0,05). V skupini otrok z alergijo na kravje mleko smo zaznali slabšo pokritost potreb po kalciju kot pri kontrolni skupini (48,86 % proti 63,83 %, p<0,05). Uspeli smo pokazati, da zaradi alergij na arašide ali jajca rast in vnos hranil nista bila slabša kot pri kontrolni skupini (p<0,05).

Keywords:alergija na hrano, otroci, kravje mleko, jajca, arašidi, dietna prehrana, prehranski status, prehranski dnevnik, analiza prehranskega stanja, rast otrok, razvoj otrok
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[T. Poredoš]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158243 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:197340419 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.05.2024
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Title:Influence of persistent food allergy on nutritional status of children with food allergy
The aim of our study was to analyse the nutrient intake and growth status of children with food allergies and to compare them with a control group of children without food allergies. We performed a retrospective cohort study with a longitudinal follow-up of a mean duration of 4,85 ± 2,79 years. They were enrolled at regular visits to the allergy outpatient clinic at the Paediatric Clinic of the University Medical Centre Ljubljana. Parents or guardians were asked to bring a duly completed 3-day dietary diary, and blood tests and anthropometrics were performed. Antropometric measurements and nutrition analysis were part of study protocol. We included only patients with one food allergy (cow's milk, egg or peanut) and their peers without food allergies. From our retrospective follow-up data, we were able to show that cow's milk, egg or peanut allergy did not affect the growth of the children. Patients in the observation groups grew normally and kept up with their peers. From diagnosis to inclusion in the study, we observed an improvement in height-for-age z score and weight-for-age z score (p<0,05). In the group of children with cow's milk allergy, we observed a worse calcium requirement coverage than in the control group (48,86 % vs. 63,83 %, p<0,05). We were able to show that growth and nutrient intake were not worse than in the control group due to allergy to peanuts or eggs (p<0,05).

Keywords:food allergy, children, cow`s milk, eggs, peanuts, elimination diet, nutritional status, nutritional diary, analysis of nutritional status, child growth, child development

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