
Vrednotenje učinkov himernih molekul za razgradnjo O-GlcNAc transferaze na celično linijo diseminiranega plazmocitoma
ID Simonič, Sara (Avtor), ID Gobec, Martina (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Encim O-GlcNAc transferaza (OGT) je ključen encim v procesu N-acetilglukozaminacije, kar pomeni, da je vključen tudi v številne celične procese. Njegovo deregulacijo povezujejo s številnimi obolenji, zato predstavlja morebitno tarčo kot prijemališče za zdravljenje. Za ta namen potrebujemo učinkovito molekulsko orodje, ki bi nam omogočilo proučevanje vloge OGT. V zadnjih letih v ospredje prihajajo himerne molekule, znane tudi kot molekule PROTAC, ki ne zavirajo delovanja tarčnih proteinov, temveč vodijo v njihovo razgradnjo, saj za svoje delovanje izkoriščajo ubikvitin-proteasomski sistem. V sklopu magistrske naloge smo vrednotili biološki učinek dvanajstih himernih razgrajevalcev encima OGT, sintetiziranih na Katedri za farmacevtsko kemijo (UL FFA). Pri načrtovanju molekul PROTAC so kot ligand za OGT uporabili zaviralec OSMI-4 ter različne ligande za E3 ligaze (VHL, CRBN in IAP). Kot celični model smo uporabili celično linijo MM.1S, saj izraža tako tarčni protein OGT kot tudi vse tri ligaze. V prvem delu smo preverjali morebitni vpliv molekul PROTAC na razgradnjo encima OGT. Z metodo prenosa western smo ovrednotili nivo OGT proteina in ugotovili, da pri koncentraciji 1 µM nobena izmed molekul PROTAC ne povzroči vidne razgradnje encima. Ker so himerni razgrajevalci molekulsko velike spojine, smo v nadaljevanju preverili ali odsotnost učinka ni morebiti posledica slabe celične permeabilnosti. Ugotovili smo, da molekule, osnovane na ligandih za ligazo IAP ter CRBN, prehajajo membrano, saj smo potrdili avtorazgradnjo cIAP-1 ter razgradnjo CRBN neosubstrata IKZF1. Znano je, da zaviranje OGT vodi v kompenzatorne mehanizme, ki povzročijo višji novo encima, zato smo nadalje preverili ali je odsotnost razgradnje OGT posledica povratne zanke. S tem namenom smo v celicah zavrli de novo sintezo proteinov z dodatkom cikloheksimida ter jih nato izpostavili himernemu zaviralcu 12. Ugotovili smo, da PROTAC 12 tudi v prisotnosti cikloheksimida ni povzročil vidne razgradnje OGT. Prav tako smo preverjali morebiten vpliv PROTAC 12 na izločanje izbranih vnetnih dejavnikov. Tudi v tem primeru nismo opazili vidnega vpliva na celični fenotip. Rezultati torej kažejo, da nobena od dvanajstih spojin ne vodi v razgradnjo encima OGT, zato bodo potrebne nadaljnje modifikacije molekul PROTAC ali optimizacije eksperimentalnih modelov, da bi s tem dosegli uspešno razgradnjo encima OGT ter z njimi nato podrobneje raziskali vpliv encima v celični homeostazi.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:O-GlcNAc transferaza, celična linija MM.1S, himerni razgrajevalci, povratne zanke
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FFA - Fakulteta za farmacijo
Leto izida:2024
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158214 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:30.05.2024
Število ogledov:503
Število prenosov:147
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Biological evaluation of chimeric degraders of O-GlcNAc transferase on a multiple myeloma cell line
The enzyme O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT) is a key enzyme in the process of N-acetylglucosamination, which means that it is also involved in numerous cellular processes. Its deregulation is associated with many diseases, making it a potential target for patients' treatment. For this purpose, we need an efficient molecular tool that would enable us to study the role of OGT. In recent years, chimeric molecules, also known as PROTAC molecules, have come to the forefront. PROTAC molecules do not only inhibit the activity of target proteins but lead to their degradation by utilizing the ubiquitin-proteasome system for their action. As a part of this master's thesis, we evaluated the biological effect of twelve chimeric OGT enzyme degraders synthesized at the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry (UL FFA). In the design of PROTAC molecules, the inhibitor OSMI-4 and various ligands for E3 ligases (VHL, CRBN and IAP) were used as a ligand for OGT. The MM.1S cell line was used as a cellular model, as it expresses both the target protein OGT and all three used ligases. In the first part, we examined the potential impact of PROTAC molecules on the degradation of the OGT enzyme. We evaluated the OGT protein levels using the western blot method and found that at a concentration of 1 µM, none of the PROTAC molecules caused visible degradation of the enzyme. As chimeric degraders have large molecular weight, we investigated whether the absence of effects might be due to poor cellular permeability. We found that molecules based on ligands for the ligases IAP and CRBN cross the membrane, as we confirmed the autodegradation of cIAP-1 and the degradation of the CRBN neosubstrate IKZF1. Inhibition of OGT is known to lead to compensatory mechanisms that result in increased levels of the enzyme, therefore we furthter tested whether the absence of OGT degradation was due to a feedback loop. To test this we inhibited de novo protein synthesis in our cells by adding cycloheximide and then exposed them to the chimeric inhibitor 12. We found that PROTAC 12 did not cause visible degradation of OGT even in the presence of cycloheximide. We also investigated the possible impact of PROTAC 12 on the secretion of selected inflammatory mediators. In this case as well, we did not observe a noticeable effect on the cell phenotype. The results thus indicate that none of the twelve compounds leads to the degradation of the OGT enzyme. Therefore, further modifications of the PROTAC molecules or optimization of the experimental models will be necessary in order to achieve a successful degradation of the OGT enzyme to investigate the influence of the enzyme in cellular homeostasis.

Ključne besede:O-GlcNAc transferase, MM.1S cell line, chimeric degraders, feedback loops

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