
Povezanost poškodbe in procesa rehabilitacije z dvojno kariero mladih tekmovalcev v športni gimnastiki : magistrsko delo
ID Fortin, Nika (Author), ID Cecić Erpič, Saša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V naši raziskavi smo obravnavali celoten proces rehabilitacije po športni poškodbi in povezanost tega procesa z dvojno kariero mladih tekmovalcev v športni gimnastiki. Za pridobivanje podatkov smo uporabili polstrukturirani intervju, odgovore udeležencev pa smo analizirali s pomočjo analize vsebine. Vzorec je sestavljalo 10 mladih tekmovalcev v športni gimnastiki, med 12. in 16. letom starosti. Vključitvena dejavnika sta bila redna vključenost v trenažni in tekmovalni proces ter športna poškodba, ki je vsaj za določen čas onemogočila aktivnost. Odgovore udeležencev smo analizirali in jih razdelili v štiri glavne teme. Prva tema se nanaša na značilnosti športne kariere mladih športnikov in osnovne značilnosti njihove dvojne kariere. Druga tema opisuje značilnosti športne poškodbe in športnikovo doživljanje le-te. V tretjem delu je poudarek na procesu rehabilitacije, občutke v tem času in vpliv tega obdobja na dvojno kariero, v zadnjem delu pa analiziramo povratek v trenažni proces in vpliv občutkov v tem času na usklajevanje šolskih in športnih obveznosti. Ugotovili smo, da mladi športniki ob športni poškodbi občutijo močna negativna čustva, ki se z napredkom v rehabilitacijskem procesu zmanjšujejo. Zanimalo nas je, kakšen vpliv ima psihično stanje športnikov v tem obdobju na dvojno kariero. Ugotovili smo, da se športniki v tem času bolj posvetijo šolskemu delu in prejemajo veliko opore s strani svoje izobraževalne ustanove, zato z dvojno kariero v tem času nimajo težav. Ugotovili smo tudi, da športniki prejemajo veliko praktične in čustvene opore s strani družine skozi celoten proces rehabilitacije, kar pozitivno vpliva na spopadanje z ovirami v tem času. V obdobju rehabilitacije in ob povratku v trenažni proces ima pomembno vlogo tudi trenerjeva opora v smislu razumevanja in postopnosti pri ponovnem usvajanju prvin.

Keywords:športne poškodbe, športna gimnastika, dvojna kariera, psihološki vidik
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158186 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:200703747 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.05.2024
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Title:The connection of injury and the rehabilitation process with the dual career of young competitors in artistic gymnastics
In our research, we discussed the entire process of rehabilitation after a sports injury and the connection of this process with the dual career of young competitors in artistic gymnastics. We used a semi-structured interview to collect data, and the participants' answers were analyzed using content analysis. The sample consisted of 10 young gymnasts between the ages of 12 and 16. The inclusion factors were regular involvement in the training and competition process and a sports injury that prevented the activity at least for a certain period of time. The collected data was analyzed and divided into four main topics. We analyzed the responses of the participants and divided them into four main themes. The first topic refers to the characteristics of the sports career of young athletes and the basic characteristics of their dual career. The second topic describes the characteristics of a sports injury and the athlete's experience of it. In the third part, the emphasis is on the rehabilitation process, the feelings during this time and the impact of this period on a dual career, while in the last part we analyze the return to the training process and the impact of feelings during this time on the coordination of school and sports obligations. We found that young athletes experience strong negative emotions after a sports injury, which decrease with progress in the rehabilitation process. We were interested in what influence the mental state of athletes during this period has on a dual career. We found that during this time, athletes devote themselves more to their school work and receive a lot of support from their educational institution, so they have no problems with a dual career during this time. We also found that athletes receive a lot of practical and emotional support from their families throughout the entire rehabilitation process, which has a positive effect on coping with obstacles during this time. During the rehabilitation period and when returning to the training process, the trainer's support also plays an important role in terms of understanding and gradualness in re-conquering the basics.

Keywords:sport injuries, artistic gymnastics, dual career, psychological aspect

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