Numerous soil classifications are in use; one of them is Jugoslavian soil classification and its modifications. In Slovenia there is still no official Slovenian soil classification; different modifications of Jugoslavian soil classification, which were unified in 2008 by a document Modified yugoslavian soil classification (MJKT), are used. For forest soils the classification is slightly different. It is described in Atlas gozdnih tal (AGT) published in 2005. WRB classification, which is used in Europe, was elaborated in order to enable better international comunicaton in the early 1980. In this Graduation Thesis a comparison was carried out between AGT, MJKT and WRB classifications in the case of 15 soil profiles with limestone as a parent material. Profiles were digged out and analysed during the project BIOSOIL. Each profile was classified according to the instructions of AGT, MJKT and WRB. Six profiles were classified as rendzinas, according to WRB Phaeozems, Histosols and Leptosols, eight profiles as brown soils on limestones and dolomites, according to WRB Phaeozems, Cambisols and Luvisols, and one terra rossa, according to WRB Cambisols. Since one soil type can be classified as differentreference soil groups and one reference soil group can be clasiffied as different soil types we established that direct translation from soil type to reference soil group and in reverse without consideration of diagnostic soil properties is not possible. On the analytical results basis we present a short review of selected soil properties of O, A and B horizons. We established brown soils on limestone and dolomites are found more often on lowlands and rendzinas are found more often on highlands. The thickness of A horizon of rendzinas is larger than the browns soils on limestone and dolomite one. Texture varied a lot despite the same parent material all the time. Common use of the WRB classification is very difficult due to the requirement of vast pedological knowledge. The main deficiency of The WRB classification is the absence of the information about parent material in title of reference soil group.