
Bober(Castor fiber L.) v nižinskih poplavnih gozdovih Slovenije : diplomsko delo - univerzitetni študij
ID Vochl, Saša (Author), ID Jurc, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Adamič, Miha (Comentor)

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MD5: 8085CAAC036DAD6AE4825AC234550464
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/d398c11f-b74c-411f-be39-98f444faf495

Bober (Castor fiber L.) se je verjetno v Slovenijo ponovno naselil leta 1998. Doslej so jih zabeležili na šestih lokacijah, in sicer v Žužemberku, ob Radulji, v Dravogradu, pri naselju Kot in Krapje ob Muri ter ob Dobličici. Priterenskem delu, ki je potekalo v poletnem času leta 2008 smo se omejili na bobrove habitate na Radulji, Krki in Dravi. Ocenili smo zastopanost posameznihlesnatih vrst in njihovo poškodovanost. Izmerili smo tudi višino poškodb na deblih in premer debla pod poškodbo. Višina poškodb merjena od tal ni presegla 1 m. Povprečni premeri pod poškodbo so znašali od 25 do 42 cm. Medpoškodovanimi vrstami sta prevladovali bela vrba (Salix alba), ob Dravi tudi trepetlika (Populus tremula). Sledovi prehranjevanja na vegetaciji so vidni do oddaljenosti 15 m od obale.Opazili smo tudi izrazito odganjanje bele vrbe in trepetlike. Ocenili smo primernosti habitatov za bobra. Habitate smo ovrednotili v štirih kategorijah: voda, brežina, vegetacija in upravljanje. Vsi habitati so bili najslabše ocenjeni v kategoriji upravljanje. Za najbolj primeren habitat se je izkazalo območje akumulacijskega jezera na Dravi. Za območje pSCI za bobra in še mnoge druge vrste so razglašena potok Dobličica, Krakovski gozd in reka Krka. Z ohranjanjem bobrovih habitatov na območju Dravein Mure, kjer se nahaja gozdni habitatni tip vrbovja, jesenovja in jelševja (91E0*) lahko hkrati varujemo tudi nižinske poplavne gozdove in obrežne ekosisteme. Bober povzroča določene poškodbe drevja in poljščin. Z ustreznimi ukrepi in s subvencijami države lahko zmanjšujemo morebitne konflikte, ki se pojavljajo v habitatih bobra. Gozdarji lahko igrajo pomembno vlogo pri oblikovanju primernih habitatov za ohranjanje bobra ter pri izobraževanju in osveščanju javnosti o obravnavani tematiki.

Keywords:bobri, Castor fiber L., Slovenija, poplavni gozdovi
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Vochl]
Number of pages:X, 118 str.+ pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-15698 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:2307494 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

Beaver spread to Slovenia in 1998. Several beaver familys are now established on Krka, Drava, Dobličica, Mura and Radulja river. Considerable further range expansion can be expected. Researh was carried out in summer of 2008 on Radulja, Krka and Drava river. We analysed the number of damaged woody vegetation as well as the presence of certain plant species. We also mesured the distance of trees and shrubs from the river bank, the hight of damage sites and the diameter below the damage sites. The most frequently damaged specie was white willow (Salix alba) and trembling popler (Populus tremula). The hight of damage was not more then 1 m above ground and the average diameter at the site of the damage range from 25-42 cm. Damaged trees and shrubs were recorded in a distance of 15 m from the river bank. We also noticed an intenst growth of shoots in white willow and trembling popler. We evaluated habitats on Krka, Radulja and Drava river in four categorys: water, banks, vegetation and management. The habitat on river Drava was the most suitable habitat. All three habitats were poorly avaluated in the managament category. Beaver caused certain damage on tress and fields. With the wright set of mitigation it is posibile to reduce conflicts in beaver habitats. Stream Dobličica, Krakovo forest and river Krka are included in Natura 2000 pSCI areas and are important for beaver and many other species. The area of Mura and Drava river are overgrown with riparian forests of willow, ash and alder trees which were included in Natura 2000 as an inportant forest habitat typ (91E0*). With preservation of water ecosystems and riparian forest of Drava and Mura river we simultaniosly protect the beaver habitat. Foresters can play an important role in prevention of beaver damage and help beaver withhis settlement. Foresters can also play an important role in public relations as beaver's messengers .

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