
Modeliranje šahovskega seta Dubrovnik in animacija partije
ID Popit, Kristina (Author), ID Kočevar, Tanja Nuša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Iskra, Andrej (Comentor)

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Danes, v dobi nenehnih tehnoloških in družbenih sprememb, se srečujemo z izzivi ohranjanja in predstavljanja kulturne dediščine na inovativen način. Osrednja tema tega zaključnega dela predstavlja dogodke, osebe in trenutke v šahovski zgodovini, ki so med seboj povezani in pomembni za naše geografsko območje. Naš namen je predstaviti3D-, kako lahko pripomoremo k ohranjanju kulturne dediščine in širjenju prepoznavnosti zgodovinskih vsebin z uporabo sodobnih tehnologij, natančneje s 3D-modeliranjem, animacijo in urejanjem video posnetka. Z eksperimentalnim pristopom, ki je vključeval pretvorbo originalnega šahovskega seta Dubrovnik v digitalno obliko, modeliranje, animacijo in urejanje video posnetka, smo želeli preučiti vlogo sodobnih programov za ustvarjanje digitalnih vsebin pri ohranjanju kulturne dediščine. Lotili smo se različnih postopkov, kot so skeniranje, fotogrametrija in modeliranje, nato pa smo s figurami, ki smo jih modelirali v programu Blender, izbrano igro tudi animirali. Animacijo smo še izvozili in jo uredili s programom Adobe Premiere Pro. Z rezultati raziskave smo želeli predstaviti dogodke, ki so bili povezani med seboj in z našim geografskim območjem. Posebej smo se osredotočili na sedemnajsto partijo šahovskega svetovnega prvenstva leta 1972 v Reykjaviku med Spasskyem in Fischerjem. Fischer, katerega najljubši šahovski set je bil Dubrovnik, kot je omenil v dodanem intervjuju, je v tej igri prvič na svetovnem prvenstvu uporabil Pirčevo obrambo. Ta obramba je imenovana po Vasji Pircu, slovenskemu velemojstru, ki je med drugim s svojo ekipo leta 1950 zmagal na šahovski olimpijadi v Dubrovniku, za katero je bil izdelan tudi animinirani šahovski set po imenu Dubrovnik. Ugotovili smo, da nam sodobne tehnologije lahko omogočajo inovativne pristope k predstavitvi zgodovinskih, v našem primeru šahovskih, dogodkov ter prispevajo k širjenju razumevanja, poznavanja in spoštovanja kulturne dediščine, namesto da bi jo ogrožale.

Keywords:šah, figure Dubrovnik, Bobby Fischer, Pirčeva obramba
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-156409 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.05.2024
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Title:Dubrovnik chess set modeling and game animation
In this day and age of rapid technological and social shifts, we are faced with the challenges of preserving and presenting cultural heritage in an innovative way. This thesis focuses on chess history and presents some events, individuals and moments that bear significance within our local geographical context. Our objective was to employ 3D-modelling, animation and video editing to demonstrate our potential contribution to the preservation of cultural heritage and the promotion of historical content recognition through modern technologies. 3D- We adopted an experimental methodology that involved converting the original Dubrovnik chess set into a digital format, using the techniques of modelling, animation and video editing, we aimed to explore the role of modern digital content creation programs in preserving cultural heritage. We used various procedures including scanning, photogrammetry, and modelling. Subsequently, we animated the selected game using the figures modelled in the Blender program. The animation was exported and further edited with Adobe Premiere Pro. With the research results, our intention was to present interconnected events that arerelevant to the Slovenian geographical area. We specifically focused on the seventeenth game of the 1972 World Chess Championship in Reykjavik between Spassky and Fischer. Fischer's very first utilization of the Pirc defence in this match, coupled with his expressed fondness for the Dubrovnik chess set, underscored the intricate web of historical connections we sought to illuminate.. This defence is named after Vasja Pirc, the Slovenian grandmaster who, among other achievements, led his team to victory at the 1950 Chess Olympiad held in Dubrovnik, the very city for which the chess set presented in our animation was made. We discovered that modern technologies could enable us to take innovative approaches to presenting historical events, in our case in the realm of chess, and contribute to the spread of understanding, knowledge and respect for cultural heritage, instead of posing a threat to it.

Keywords:chess, Dubrovnik chess set, Bobby Fischer, Pirc Defence

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