
Vloga vzgojitelja ob pojavu trme v predšolskem obdobju : diplomsko delo
ID Pevec, Helena (Author), ID Berčnik, Sanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rožman Krivec, Laura (Comentor)

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Diplomsko delo z naslovom Vloga vzgojitelja ob pojavu trme v predšolskem obdobju je razdeljeno na teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljeni vedenjski izbruhi in pojavi trme, opredeljene so razlike med njimi, opisano je obdobje pojavov trme in vzroki za trmo. Opisana je vloga vzgojitelja ob pojavu trme v predšolskem obdobju, predstavljeni so načini in metode postopanja vzgojiteljev ob pojavu trme ter načini in metode postopanja za zmanjševanje ter blaženje pojavov trme. Trma je razvojno pogojena, zato se pojavu trme težko v celoti izognemo, pri posameznikih pa se izraža z večjo ali manjšo intenzivnostjo. Izrednega pomena je vzgojiteljevo poznavanje obdobja trme in poznavanje vzrokov za pojav trme, saj le tako lahko strokovni delavec izbere ustrezne metode in načine postopanja ob pojavu trme. V empiričnem delu diplomske naloge so predstavljeni rezultati intervjuvanjih vzgojiteljic glede vloge vzgojitelja pri pojavu trme v predšolskem obdobju. Predvsem sem želela ugotoviti, kako se vzgojitelji v vrtcih odzivajo oziroma soočajo z izbruhi trme pri predšolskih otrocih in kakšne načine vzgojitelji uporabljajo, da otroka pomirijo ob pojavu trme. Zanimalo me je, kako vzgojitelji zmanjšujejo oziroma blažijo pojav trme pri otrocih v oddelku in kakšna je nasploh vloga vzgojitelja ob pojavu trme. Pridobljeni odgovori so povzeti, povezani in podkrepljeni s strokovno literaturo. Glede na pridobljene rezultate lahko sklepamo, da je ustrezno odzivanje na pojav trme ena najpomembnejših vzgojiteljevih vlog. Uporabljeni načini in metode se med seboj razlikujejo predvsem glede na situacijo in posameznega otroka.

Keywords:predšolska vzgoja, trma, vloga vzgojitelja, načini postopanja ob pojavu trme, zmanjševanje pojavov trme
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:H. Pevec
Number of pages:50 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-156405 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:196705539 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.05.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Role of the preschool teacher in the emergence of stubborn behaviour in preschoolers
The thesis entitled The role of the educator in the emergence of stubbornness in the preschool period is divided into a theoretical and an empirical part. In the theoretical part there are presented behavioral outbursts and stubbornness phenomena, the differences between them, the description of the period of stubbornness phenomena and there is a description of causes for stubbornness. The role of the educator in the case of stubbornness in the preschool period is described, presented are the methods for educators on how to react when the event of stubbornness occurs, as well as the methods of reducing and alleviating the occurrences of stubbornness. Stubbornness is conditioned by development, so it is difficult to completely avoid the phenomenon of stubbornness, and it is expressed with greater or lesser intensity in individuals. It is extremely important for educators to know the period of stubbornness and to know the causes for the appearance of stubbornness, because only this way can a professional worker choose appropriate methods of dealing with the appearance of stubbornness. In the empirical part of the diploma thesis, the results of the interviewed educators are presented about the role of the educator in the appearance of stubbornness in the preschool period. I wanted to find out how educators in kindergartens react or deal with outbursts of stubbornness in preschool children and what methods they use to calm the child when stubbornness appears. I was interested in how educators reduce or alleviate the occurrence of stubbornness in children in the department and what is the role of the educator in general when stubbornness occurs. The obtained answers are summarized, connected, and supported by professional literature. Based on the obtained results, we can conclude that responding appropriately when stubbornness occurs is one of the most important roles of an educator. The methods that are used vary according to the situation and the individual child.

Keywords:preschool education, stubbornness, the role of the educator, methods of dealing with stubbornness, reducing stubbornness

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