
Medpodročno povezovanje narave in glasbe pri opazovanju razvoja žabe v vrtcu : diplomsko delo
ID Cotman, Zala (Author), ID Kos, Marjanca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Brdnik Juhart, Petra (Comentor)

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Skozi prepletanje različnih področij Kurikuluma za vrtce omogočimo otroku celosten in optimalen razvoj. Vzgojitelj tako neko temo predstavi iz različnih zornih kotov. Diplomsko delo je projekt, s katerim so otroci spoznali razvoj žabe preko medpodročno povezanih usmerjenih dejavnosti. Pri tem smo povezovali kurikularni področji narave in glasbe. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 18 predšolskih otrok, starih 3 do 5 let. Z otroki smo izvedli osem medpodročno povezanih usmerjenih dejavnosti o razvoju žabe, ki so enakovredno zajemale obe kurikularni področji narave in glasbe. Z otroki smo v igralnici gojili mrest in opazovali razvoj od paglavca do žabe, pri čemer so otroci glasbeno ustvarjali. Da bi ugotovili, kakšne predhodne predstave imajo otroci o žabah, njihovem razvoju ter koliko so ustvarjalni na glasbenem področju, smo pred implementacijo medpodročno povezanih usmerjenih dejavnosti in po njej izvedli polstrukturirane individualne intervjuje ter prilagojen test glasbene ustvarjalnosti. V okviru polstrukturiranih individualnih intervjujev smo otrokom zastavili devet vprašanj s področja biologije žabe in njenega razvoja. S prilagojenim testom za merjenje glasbene ustvarjalnosti smo z metodo Ritmična vprašanja in odgovori v okviru ritmične izreke ugotavljali ustvarjalnost otrok na področju ritmične izreke. Pri tem smo se osredotočili na kriterij fluentnosti in fleksibilnosti ustvarjalnih glasbenih izdelkov. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da so bile začetne predstave otrok o žabah in njihovem razvoju večinoma napačne. Otroci so bili mnenja, da žaba že rodi majhno žabo, kot je to značilno za sesalce. Prav tako so rezultati prilagojenega testa glasbene ustvarjalnosti pokazali, da otroci niso bili ustvarjalni na področju glasbene ustvarjalnosti. Po implementaciji medpodročno povezanih usmerjenih dejavnosti se je naravoslovno in glasbeno znanje otrok izboljšalo. Tudi njihov odnos do žab je postal pozitivnejši. Njihovi odgovori so pokazali, da so se otroci po izvedenih dejavnostih večinoma naučili, kako poteka razvoj od mresta preko paglavca do žabe ter nekaj o biologiji žabe. Na področju glasbene ustvarjalnosti so v okviru ritmične izreke povedali več rim ter preko metode Ritmičnih vprašanj in odgovorov podali več ritmičnih odgovorov, ki so bili tudi bolj kompleksni. Izsledki raziskave so pokazali ključen pomen prepletanja različnih kurikularnih področij ter pomen neposrednih izkušenj skozi dejavnosti, ki so prilagojene razvojni stopnji otrok. Predlagamo, da se tovrstne dejavnosti pogosto vključujejo v vrtčevski vsakdan.

Keywords:Ključne besede: medpodročno povezovanje, izkustveno učenje, narava, celostna glasbena vzgoja, glasba, predšolska vzgoja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:Z. Cotman
Number of pages:100 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-156378 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:196719875 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.05.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Cross-Curricular Integration of Nature and Music in the Observation of Frog Development in Kindergarten
By interweaving the various areas of the kindergarten curriculum, we enable the child to develop holistically and optimally. In this way, the kindergarten teacher presents a topic from different perspectives. The diploma dissertation presents a project in which children learn about the development of frogs through interdisciplinary activities. We combined the curriculum areas of nature and music. Eighteen preschool children between the ages of 3 and 5 participated in the study. The children took part in eight cross-curricular activities on frog development that covered the two mentioned curriculum areas equally. Frog spawn were hatched in a nursery at the kindergarten and the development from tadpole to frog was observed, with the children being musically creative. In order to establish which ideas the children held about frogs, how children develop, and how creative they are in the musical field, we conducted: a) semi-structured individual interviews before and after the interdisciplinary activities; and b) a musical creativity test. As part of the semi-structured individual interviews, we asked the children nine questions about the biology and development of frogs. Using an adapted test to measure musical creativity, we determined the children's creativity in rhythmic expression using the method of rhythmic questions and answers in the context of rhythmic expression. We focused on the criterion of fluency and flexibility of the creative musical products. The results of the study reveal that the children's initial ideas about frogs and their development were mostly wrong. The children at first thought the frog already gives birth to a small frog, as is typical for mammals. The results of the adapted musical creativity test also showed that at the beginning the children were not as creative in the area of musical creativity as they were at the end. After engaging in the interdisciplinary activities, the children's knowledge of science and music increased. Their attitude to frogs also became more positive. Their answers revealed that after the activities, the children mainly learned how the development from spawn to tadpole to frog unfolds and something about the biology of a frog. In the area of musical creativity, they recited more rhymes as part of rhythmic sayings and gave more rhythmic answers, which were also more complex, through the method of rhythmic questions and answers. The research results demonstrate the importance of linking different curriculum areas together as well as providing hands-on experience through activities. We recommend that this type of activity is frequently integrated into the kindergarten curriculum.

Keywords:Key words: cross-curricular, experiential learning, nature, holistic music education, music

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