
Vpliv temperature in časa na ekstrakcijo kanabinoidov iz industrijske konoplje (Cannabis sativa L.) in zamrzovanja na lastnosti ekstrakta
ID Fekonja, Vesna (Author), ID Tavčar, Eva (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Zidar, Anže (Comentor)

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Konoplja je vedno bolj znana po svoji mnogostranski uporabnosti in pridobiva na gospodarskem pomenu tudi na področju farmacevtske industrije. Ker pa slednja zahteva visoko raven kakovosti, je pomembno zagotoviti ustreznost kemijskih profilov snovi, namenjenih za uporabo v zdravilih. V sklopu našega dela smo raziskali področje ekstrakcij kanabinoidov iz rastlinske droge. V prvem delu eksperimentov smo preizkušali različne načine in pogoje ekstrakcije. Primerjali smo vsebnost kanabinoidov v sejani in nesejani frakciji mlete droge. Ugotovili smo, da je vsebnost CBD in CBDA v sejani drogi za 11,5 % višja glede na nesejano drogo. Primerjali smo drogo, ki se je med mletjem prilepila na kovinske dele mlinčka in tako, ki se ni. Pri ekstraktih iz droge, prilepljene na mlinček, je bila vsebnost CBD in CBDA za 58,35 % večja v primerjavi z ekstrakti iz droge, ki se ni prilepila na mlinček. Postavili smo enostaven in priročen postopek ekstrakcije kanabinoidov iz mlete droge v plastični brizgi. Najprej smo izvedli ekstrakcijo v plastični brizgi, ekstrakt pa smo nato filtrirali skozi čajno filtrirno vrečko, ki je bila nameščena na 3D nastavek, ki je omogočal filtracijo v 50 mL centrifugirki. S pomočjo pristopa načrtovanja eksperimentov smo z uporabo mešane popolne faktorske zasnove in programa Modde postavili model ekstrakcije. Spremljali smo vpliv časa ekstrakcije in temperature topila (-78 °C, -24 °C, 0 °C, 24 °C in 50 °C) na masni delež in maso kanabinoidov v ekstraktu. V prvi minuti in pol ekstrakcije se je pri vseh preizkušenih temperaturah ekstrakcije ekstrahirala največja masa CBD, CBDA in drugih snovi, največji masni delež kanabinoidov pa se je ekstrahiral do pete minute. Pri temperaturah -78 °C in -24 °C smo dobili čistejše ekstrakte kot pri filtriranju pri sobni temperaturi. Po drugi strani pa smo ugotovili, da se je poleg voskov in nečistot izgubil tudi del kanabinoidov. Zaključili smo, da daljši čas in višja temperatura povečata ekstrakcijo drugih snovi bolj kot kanabinoidov.

Keywords:ekstrakt, ekstrakcija, kanabinoidi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-156229 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.05.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of temperature and time on the extraction of the cannabinoids from industrial hemp flowers (Cannabis sativa L.) and freezing on properties of the extract
Hemp is increasingly known for its versatile use and is gaining economic importance, including in the pharmaceutical industry. However, since the later demands high quality, it is important to ensure the properness of the chemical profiles of substances intended for use in medicines. As part of our work, we investigated the field of cannabinoid extractions from plant material. In the first part of the experiments, we tested different methods and extraction conditions. We compared the content of cannabinoids in the sieved and the unsieved fraction of the drug. We found that the CBD and CBDA content is 11.5 % higher in the sieved fraction compared to the unsieved fraction. We compared the drug that stuck to the metal parts of the grinder during the grinding process and the kind that did not. The content of CBD and CBDA was 58.35 % higher in the extracts from the drug stuck to the grinder compared to the extracts from the drug that was not stuck to the grinder. We found a simple and convenient extraction procedure for extracting cannabinoids from the drug using plastic syringe. The procedure was carried out by first performing the extraction in a plastic syringe, the extract was then filtered through a tea filter bag, which was placed on the 3D attachment, that allowed filtration in 50 mL centrifuge. With the help of the “Design of experiments” approach, using the Mixed Full Factorial Design, and the Modde program, we set up an extraction model. We monitored the influence of extraction time and solvent temperature (-78 °C, -24 °C, 0 °C, 24 °C in 50 °C) on the mass fraction and the mass of cannabinoids in the extract. The highest mass of CBD, CBDA and other substances was extracted in the first minute and a half of extraction at all extraction temperatures tested, and the highest mass fraction of cannabinoids was extracted by the fifth minute. Purer extracts were obtained at temperatures of -78 °C and -24 °C compared to the ones filtered at room temperature. On the other hand, we found that in addition to waxes and impurities, part of the cannabinoids was also lost. We concluded that longer time and higher temperature increase the extraction of other substances more than cannabinoids.

Keywords:extract, extraction, cannabinoids

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