
Ugovor vesti v zdravstveni negi : diplomsko delo
ID Humar, Neža (Author), ID Ovijač, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mlinar, Suzana (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Medicinske sestre se pri delu v zdravstveni negi srečujejo z različnimi etičnimi in moralnimi dilemami ter izzivi. Ugovor vesti lahko izrazijo, ko čutijo, da bi lahko bila ogrožena njihova moralna integriteta. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je opredeliti ugovor vesti v zdravstveni negi. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda dela. Narejen je bil pregled domače in tuje literature. Literatura, ki je bila uporabljena, je napisana v slovenskem ali angleškem jeziku, objavljena je bila v obdobju od 2013 do 2023. Do literature smo dostopali v Cochrane Library prek strežnika PubMed, iz baz Medline, CINAHL in v spletnem portalu Google učenjak. V končno analizo je vključenih 11 člankov. Rezultati: Medicinske sestre tako pri splavu in evtanaziji kot tudi pri transplantaciji organov obravnavo pacientov vidijo kot zapleten proces, ki vključuje več različnih intervencij. Medtem ko za nekatere uporaba ugovora vesti pomeni nesodelovanje pri vseh intervencijah, ki so vključene v določen proces, se večina izogiba le nekaterih. Razlogi, zaradi katerih se medicinske sestre odločajo za ugovor vesti, temeljijo tako na prepričanjih in stališčih, ki so jih izoblikovale skozi svoje osebno življenje, kot tudi na izkušnjah, ki so jih pridobile na delovnem mestu. Ugovor vesti pri medicinskih sestrah se lahko s časom spreminja glede na izkušnje ali na točno določeni položaj, v katerem se znajdejo. Ugovor vesti ima lahko vpliv tako na pacienta kot tudi na zdravstveni tim. Prekomerna uporaba ali zloraba ugovora vesti lahko pacientom zmanjša dostop do določenih posegov. V zdravstvenem timu lahko vodi do sporov med tistimi, ki ugovarjajo in drugimi. V primerih, ko je ugovor vesti preslišan ali se ne upošteva, se medicinske sestre znajdejo v moralni stiski. Razprava in zaključek: Razvoj tako medicine kot zdravstvene nege prinaša nove posege, postopke in intervencije, pri katerih imajo lahko medicinske sestre moralne zadržke. Medicinskim sestram, ki se srečujejo z etičnimi dilemami na delovnem mestu, lahko ugovor vesti omogoči izhod iz moralne stiske. Omogoča jim, da zavrnejo sodelovanje ne le pri posegih, s katerimi se moralno ne strinjajo, temveč tudi pri posegih, za katere menijo, da zanje niso zadosti usposobljene. Glede na velik vpliv, ki ga ima ugovor vesti tako na posameznika kot tudi na zdravstveni tim, bi morale biti medicinske sestre bolje ozaveščene o možnosti ugovora vesti in načinih, kako ga lahko izraziti.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, ugovor vesti, splav, evtanazija, transplantacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Humar]
Number of pages:32 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-156218 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:195453187 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.05.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Conscientious objection in nursing : diploma work
Introduction: Nurses face various ethical and moral dilemmas and challenges in their nursing work. They may express conscientious objection when they feel that their moral integrity could be threatened. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to define conscientious objection in nursing. Methods: A descriptive work method was used. A review of domestic and foreign literature was made. The literature that was used is written in Slovenian or English, the year of publication is in the period from 2013 to 2023. We accessed the literature in the Cochrane Library via the PubMed server, from the Medline, CINAHL databases and the Google Scholar web portal. Twelve articles were included in the final analysis. Results: Nurses in both abortion and euthanasia as well as organ transplantation see the treatment of patients as a complex process that includes several different interventions. While for some the use of conscientious objection means nonparticipation in all interventions, most avoid only certain ones. The reasons for which nurses decide to exercise conscientious objection are based on beliefs and attitudes they have developed throughout their personal lives as well as on experiences they have gained in the workplace. Conscientious objection among nurses can change over time depending on experience or the specific situation in which they find themselves. Conscientious objection can have an impact on both the patient and the medical team. Excessive use or misuse of conscientious objection can lead to the inability of patients to access certain procedures. In the healthcare team, however, it can lead to conflicts between those who object and the others. In cases where conscientious objection is overheard or ignored, nurses find themselves in a moral dilemma. Discussion and conclusion: The development of both medicine and nursing brings new procedures and interventions, which nurses have moral reservations about, at least at the beginning. For nurses facing ethical dilemmas in the workplace, conscientious objection can provide a way out of moral distress. It also allows them to refuse to participate in interventions for which they think they are not sufficiently qualified. Given the great impact that conscientious objection has on both the individual and the health care team, nurses should be more aware of the possibility of conscientious objection and the ways in which it can be expressed.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, conscientious objection, abortion, euthanasia, transplantation

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