
Razmerje med Bartolovo kratko in dolgo prozo (Al Araf in Alamut)
ID Hladnik, Miran (Author)

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Bartolova kratka proza, posebno Al Araf (1935), ima podobno sporočilo, kot je tisto v njegovem zgodovinskem romanu Alamut (1938). To je ključni argument za t. i. nacionalistično interpretacijo romana, po kateri perzijski branilci utrdbe Alamut iz 11. stoletja ustrezajo pripadnikom slovenske teroristične organizacije TIGR, ki se je borila za osvoboditev primorskih Slovencev izpod italijanske fašistične oblasti, ki so ji bili krivično dodeljeni po prvi svetovni vojni; Bartol je bil simpatizer tega narodnoosvobodilnega gibanja. Primerjava temelji na podobni konfiguraciji oseb v kratki prozi in romanu: povsod gre za konflikt med izkušenim učiteljem in mladim junakom, ki spozna, da je bil predmet učiteljeve manipulacije. Učitelj ga uspe prepričati, da je imela manipulacija višji cilj, namreč vzgojiti ga v zanesljivega nacionalnega voditelja. Glavna oseba romana, gospodar Hasan Ibn Saba, ki mu večina literarnozgodovinskih interpretacij pripisuje negativen značaj in nihilistični nazor, se, ko ga primerjamo z junakoma Klementom Jugom in Simonom Krassowitzem iz novel, izkaže za tragično osebnost, ki je zasebno srečo žrtvovala interesom svojega ljudstva in je za njegovo dobro pripravljena poseči po vseh sredstvih. Roman je sporočilno dokaj enigmatičen in izkazuje vrsto interpretativnih možnosti, medtem ko je ideja novel v zbirki Al Araf eksplicitna, kar lajša odločitev za alegorično razlago tega makiavelističnega romana.

Keywords:slovenska književnost, kratka proza, zgodovinski roman, makiavelizem, nacionalna ideja, simbolika imen, Vladimir Bartol, Alamut, Al Araf, Klement Jug
Typology:1.16 - Independent Scientific Component Part or a Chapter in a Monograph
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Number of pages:Str. 137-144
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-156209 This link opens in a new window
UDC:821.163.6.09-3 Bartol V.
COBISS.SI-ID:33402210 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.05.2024
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Record is a part of a monograph

Title:Slovenska kratka pripovedna proza
Editors:Irena Novak-Popov
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za slovenistiko, Center za slovenščino kot drugi/tuji jezik
COBISS.SI-ID:229730560 This link opens in a new window
Collection title:Obdobja
Collection numbering:23

Secondary language

Vladimir Bartol’s short prose, especially Al Araf (1935) conveys a message similar to that of his historical novel Alamut (1938). This is the key argument for the so-called nationalistic interpretation of the novel, according to which the Persian defenders of the fortress Alamut in the 11th century correspond to the members of the Slovene terrorist organisation TIGR that fought for the relief of the Slovenes of Primorje from the fascist Italian rule under which they unjustly fell after World War I; Bartol was a sympathiser with this national liberation movement. The comparison is based on a similar configuration of characters in both the novel and short stories, i.e. a conflict between an experienced teacher and a young hero who consequently finds out that he has been manipulated by his teacher. The teacher manages to persuade him that the manipulation had a higher goal, namely to educate him into a reliable national leader. The main character of the novel, the master Hasan ibn Sabbah, attributed negative and nihilistic features by most literary critics, compared to the heroes Klement Jug and Simon Krassowitz in the short stories, turns out to be a tragic personality who has sacrificed his personal happiness for the interests of his people, being ready to deploy any means to achieve them. The message of the novel is rather enigmatic and thus offers a variety of interpretations, while the idea of the short stories in Al Araf is explicit, which makes a decision for an allegorical interpretation of this Machiavellian novel much easier.

Keywords:Slovene literature, short story, historical novel, Slovene historical novel, Machiavellism, nationa idea, symbolism of names, Vladimir Bartol, Alamut, Al Araf

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