
Struktura časov in učinki pri spravilu lesa z večbobenskim žičnim žerjavom Syncrofalke 3 t s procesorsko glavo Woody 60 : diplomsko delo - univerzitetni študij
ID Opeka, Marko (Author), ID Košir, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/c5e3a641-e737-4bb8-8c33-71c466375b94

Diplomsko delo se ukvarja s strukturo časov in učinki pri žičnem spravilu s Syncrofalke v kombinaciji s procesorsko glavo Woody 60. Na devetih deloviščih je bila ugotovljena odvisnost produktivnih časov spravila in izdelave sortimentov od razdalje vlačenja, višine vozička nad deloviščem, razdalje zbiranja, mase bremena in števila izdelanih kosov iz enega bremena. Na podlagimeritev je izračunan volumen in masa posameznega bremena ter analizirano povprečno breme ločeno za iglavce in listavce. Za spravilo in izdelavo sortimentov je analizirana struktura produktivnih in neproduktivnih časov, ki se pojavljajo med proizvodnim procesom. Dnevne učinki so prikazani spomočjo faktorja neproduktivnega časa, produktivnih časov in celotnega učinka. Uporabljena regresijska enačba zelo dobro ponazarja dnevne učinke, ki so odvisni od razdalje vlačenja, višine vozička, razdalje zbiranja in številaizdelanih kosov iz bremena. Prikazana je primerjava učinka med žičnico in procesorjem, s čimer dobimo dobro predstavo o medsebojni usklajenosti obeh naprav.

Keywords:Syncrofalke, Woody 60, učinki, spravilo lesa, neproduktivni čas, žični žerjavi
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Opeka]
Number of pages:VII, 58 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-15605 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:2221990 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

The following diploma deals with the structure of times and effects by the Syncrofalke cable crane in combination with the Woody 60 processor head. On nine working units we tried to figure out the dependence between productive times of skidding and tree processing, from the skidding distance, hight of the carriage above the place of work, lateral distance and weight of load to the number of pieces made out of one load. On the basis of measurements we calculated the volume and weight of the particular load and analysed the average load for conifers and deciduous trees separated. For skidding and treeprocessing the structure of productive and unproductive times is analysed,which appear during the technological process. Daily effects are presented with help of unproductive-time-factor, productive times as well as the overall effect. The regression equation, used in diploma, excellent illustrates the daily effects, which depend on the skidding distance, height of the carriage, lateral distance and the number of pieces made out of one load. The comparison of the effect between cableway and processor is illustrated as well, so that we can imagine the mutual consistency between both devices.

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