
Uvedba sistemov elektronskih javnih naročil v državah v razvoju v Evropi : magistrsko delo
ID Hirkić, Emina (Author), ID Sever, Tina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Javno naročanje je ena pomembnejših gospodarskih dejavnostih, kjer gre za nakup blaga, storitev ali gradenj s porabo javnega denarja. Tudi javno naročanje je področje, ki gre skozi digitalno transformacijo. Zlasti elektronska javna naročila so nabor hitro razvijajočih tehnologij. Da pa bi zagotovili nemoteno načrtovanje, razvoj in uporabo teh tehnologij, je treba imeti ustrezen okvir za uvedbo. Tako je namen pričujočega magistrskega dela preučiti, kako se je sistem e-javnih naročil uvedel v Albaniji, Srbiji, Črni gori in Severni Makedoniji glede na zastavljeni okvir za uvedbo elektronskih javnih naročil (tehnološki, pravni, organizacijski okvir in finančna sredstva), ter raziskati koristi in izzive, povezane z njegovo uvedbo. Uporabljene so tri metode raziskovanja: deskriptivna, s katero se je analiziralo področje; študija primera, s katero se je predstavljeno teorijo uporabilo na primeru izbranih držav; in komparativna za primerjavo uvedbe e-javnih naročil. Pravni okvir za uvedbo je v vseh državah podan v zakonu in podzakonskem predpisu oziroma pravilniku. Sistemi v vseh državah omogočajo e-objavo, e-dostop, e-oddajo, e-ocenjevanje, e-pritožbo in e-arhiviranje. Finančna sredstva so opredeljena le v delu razvoja sistema e-javnega naročanja. Organizacijski vidik pa je natančno določen z zakonom. Skupna glavna razloga za uvedbo sta izpolnitev pristopnih pogojev za pridružitev Evropski uniji ter zmanjšanje stopnje korupcije. Za uspešno obvladovanje sprememb pri uvajanju pa je bistveno sprejemanje sistema s strani končnega uporabnika. Magistrsko delo državam, ki še niso prešle na e-javna naročila, nudi glavne razloge za prehod, koristi po uvedbi in podrobnejšo analizo uvedbe glede na pravni, organizacijski, tehnološki okvir in finančna sredstva.

Keywords:sistem e-javnih naročil, uvedba, okvir za uvedbo, izzivi, obvladovanje sprememb, koristi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[E. Hirkić]
Number of pages:VIII, 79 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155931 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:195412483 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.04.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Implementation of electronic public procurement systems in developing countries in Europe
Public procurement is one of the most important economic activities, where it involves the purchase of goods, services or works with the use of public money. Public procurement is also an area undergoing digital transformation. In particular, eprocurement is a rapidly evolving set of technologies. However, in order to ensure the smooth planning, development and use of these technologies, it is necessary to have an adequate framework for their implementation. Thus, the purpose of the master's thesis is to examine how the e-procurement system was implemented in Albania, Serbia, Montenegro and North Macedonia, in relation to the established framework for the implementation of electronic public procurement (technological, legal, organizational framework and financial resources) and to investigate the benefits and challenges related to its implementation. Three research methods are used: descriptive, which was used to analyze the field; a case study where the presented theory was applied to the case of selected countries; comparative, where the implementation of e-public procurement was compared. In all countries, the legal framework for implementation is given in the law and by-laws, i.e. rules. Systems in all countries enable e-publication, e-access, e-submission, eevaluation, e-appeal and e-archiving. Financial resources are defined only in the part of the development of the e-public procurement system. The organizational aspect is precisely defined by law. The common main reasons for the introduction are the fulfillment of the conditions for joining the European Union and the reduction of corruption. Acceptance of the system by the end user is essential for successfully managing changes during implementation. The master's thesis provides countries that have not yet switched to e-procurement with the main reasons for the switch, the benefits after the implementation and a more detailed analysis of the implementation in terms of legal, organizational, technological framework and financial resources.

Keywords:e-procurement system, implementation, implementation framework, challenges, managing changes, benefits

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