
Občasne sledi nesmisla / Neukročena telesa
ID Kadunc, Ajda (Author), ID Kariž, Žiga (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kreft, Lev (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Stupica, Matej (Comentor)

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MD5: 2C56495B0F816F5A8E4EDC0A5F071A50

Izhodišče magistrske naloge se naslanja na raziskovanje vprašanja o smislu in fluidnosti v človekovem zaznavanju. V svojem raziskovalnem delu poudarjam pomen negotovosti kot trenutka, ko se začnejo pojavljati spremembe. Ti trenutki kljub nevarnosti propadajoče strukture nudijo nove možnosti komunikacije in sobivanja, ki presega naše ustaljene ideje o resničnosti in normalnosti. Osredotočam se na prehode v vsakdanjem, ki se gibljejo v domeni nesmisla, identitete in življenjskega prostora. V procesu se srečujem z zapleteno dinamiko med domačim in divjim, prilagodljivostjo življenjskih oblik v urbanem in naravnem okolju, kot tudi s pojmi širjenja, naseljevanja in zavzemanja prostora, hkrati pa naslavljam neizbrisne sledi, ki jih ustvarjamo med krmarjenjem po svojem okolju. V praktičnem delu raziskujem vzporedni obstoj urbanih in naravnih habitatov, ki razkriva zapletena stičišča, simbiotične odnose in harmonično sobivanje med obema svetovoma. Ob tem se opiram na lokalnost, umetniški proces in izbiro materiala. Moj namen je preučiti situacije, ki se pojavljajo kot razpoke med kulturo in naravo. Skozi teoretični del raziskujem hierarhije, ki smo jih ljudje vzpostavili v objektnem svetu, ter koncepte, ki oblikujejo naše razumevanje resničnosti in hkrati razčlenjujejo in razvrščajo celoten kozmos v našo korist.

Keywords:slikarstvo, nesmisel, narava, zaznava, proces, širjenje, medvrstni odnosi, magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155927 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.04.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Occasional traces of nonsense / Untamed bodies
The starting point of the Master's thesis is based on an exploration of the question of meaning and fluidity in human perception. In my research I stress the importance of uncertainty as the moment when change begins to occur. Despite the danger of a collapsing structure, these moments offer new possibilities of communication and coexistence that go beyond our established ideas of reality and normality. I focus on transitions in the everyday that move in the domain of meaninglessness, identity and living space. In the process, I encounter the complex dynamics between the domestic and the wild, the adaptability of life forms in urban and natural environments as well as notions of expansion, settlement and the occupation of space, while addressing the indelible traces we make as we navigate our environment. The practical part explores the parallel existence of urban and natural habitats, revealing the complex intersections, symbiotic relationships and harmonious coexistence between the two worlds. In doing so, it draws on locality, the artistic process and the choice of materials. My aim is to examine the situations that emerge as ruptures between culture and nature. Through the theoretical part, I explore the hierarchies that we humans have established in the object world and the concepts that shape our understanding of reality, while at the same time breaking down and classifying the entire cosmos in our favour.

Keywords:painting, nonsense, nature, perception, process, spreading, inter-species relationships, MA thesis

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